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Comment Re:So, the problem is.. (Score 5, Interesting) 302

He's making sites from scratch without programming because HTML isn't programming. Most small business/personal websites require little to no work even at the javascript level. He isn't talking about writing a blog, he's talking about a dozen screens for a restaurant with their location, menu, and a few pictures. Which still probably shouldn't be done by hand anymore unless its a personal for fun project.

Comment Re:Take out the camera (Score 1) 324

It would get rid of the only piece of functionality worth having. The screen was tiny, hard to see, impeded your normal vision, and more or less utterly sucked. It couldn't be interacted with and couldn't take text input well. The only interesting thing about the device was the camera and what you could do with it in the realm of computer vision. I'd rather lose the screen and have a wearable camera with bluetooth to my phone for display and processing. I already have a far superior screen in my pocket and I can perform real input on it. The screen was useless.

Comment Re:Programs people want to use... (Score 1) 449

Here's pure C, C++ would lead to slightly neater syntax.

void do_operation_on_all(my_struct *array, int size, threadfunc func){

  for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
     launch_thread(func, array[i]);

Where launch thread is a function that calls the correct OS specific function to launch a thread (probably pthread in most cases).

It would then be called:

do_operation_on_all(array, size, func);  which is actually even simpler than your solution.

Comment Re:Programs people want to use... (Score 1) 449

Because in C and older versions of C++ launching a thread takes significant typing and ugly code,

Bullshit. It takes 1 function call- because if you had a need to do all that repeatedly, you would write the damn call once, turn it into a function, and let it be done. People didn't do it because the tasks weren't parallelizable- they had massive resource contentions on memory object. Contentions that would be non-trivial to solve, and would cause using threads to be a minimal gain or even a loss in efficiency.

Libraries like std::thread don't do anything that people weren't already doing- they just prevent people from going out and writing their own implementations. But any problems that would benefit from them were already being solved with roll your own solutions.

Comment Re:Why not as civilians? (Score 1) 223

Except in this case you totally would. You'd be signing up to be a hacker. There is no reason to deploy hackers outside of the US- you'd have lower access to infrastructure, making your goal more difficult. Whereas a member of the traditional army makes sense to deploy around the world.

As for undersea cables being cut- if the cables are cut and you can't reach the country you're attacking, the "cyberwar" is over.

Comment Re:Why not as civilians? (Score 1) 223

And that makes sense for people who will be in a live fire zone and shot at- having no training makes them a liability to those who will have to protect them. It makes no sense for people who will never leave the US and will work by typing on a computer. These people aren't soldiers. They're programmers and IT workers. By adding these restrictions onto them you reduce the pool of talent you can reach by eliminating people for useless reasons.

A better question though is why to put these people in the army at all. They have almost no overlap with the work of the army. It would make better sense to either keep them civilian or create a new division.

Comment Re:Liability? (Score 2) 90

You, for owning and running it. You may then have a claim against Google if you can find fault or negligence. And yes, you'll have to have insurance just like you do now. If you lend your car to your friend to drive, you're still on the hook to insure the car for damage it can do to others, you just might have a legal claim to recoup from the friend.

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