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Comment Comodo, shame on you! (Score 1) 95

...insecure HTTPS traffic interception ... an advertising product with ties to security vendor Comodo...

Comodo is a vendor that I [currently] rely upon for my PC firewall and my SSL certificates.

So, on one hand, I'm looking to Comodo to help me secure my computers and usage of my computers.

And on the other hand, Comodo is looking to install HTTPS traffic interceptors on my computers that increase the security vulnerability of my computers?

What frigging kind of security company is Comodo? Is Comodo a security company at all?

Comment Too late... (Score 1) 95

Once the bugs are in released code, it is too late to remove them efficiently.

Maybe a more cost-efficient approach to spending the Foundation's money would be to determine how and why the bugs get into the code in the first place, and reduce their occurrence as early in the development cycle as possible.

The earlier in the development cycle a bug is eliminated, the cheaper it is to eliminate the bug.

Comment Re:Hmm? (Score 4, Interesting) 112

... TC could be perfect, but if HD firmware is able to read and share passwords then clearly much more work has to be done ... their analysis must address topics beyond the TC code itself.

I disagree. Taking your point to its logical conclusion, the TC auditors should audit every computer on Earth, and all the software running on those computers.

That is very clearly beyond the scope of auditing TC.

I do think the TC auditors should publish a caution of some sort about ~the computer that runs TC~ but beyond that, it would be out of scope.

Comment Re:The lesson here (Score 1) 266

...our laptops are for consumers to buy crap online, and not for any kind of serious work....

Considering that Lenovo has a consumer line of laptops and a business line of laptops (the ThinkPad brand), there may be a shred of truth in what you say.

Comment CTO admits Lenovo does not know its customers... (Score 2) 266

...When asked whether his company vets the software they pre-install on their machines, he said, "Yes, we do. Obviously in this case we didn't do enough. The intent of loading this tool was to help enhance our users’ shopping experience. The feedback from users was that it wasn’t useful...

It is a rare occasion when a C-level exec admits that his company has not got a clue about what its customers want.

Since the marketing team are usually the ones responsible for knowing customer needs, will we be seeing a change in Lenovo's executive suite soon, say a new chief marketing officer?

Comment First tier support staff? (Score 1) 96

Could Microsoft be using this newfound machine learning for customer support?

A month or so ago, I had some issues with Microsoft's Bing bot not following the directions contained in my robots.txt file. When I sent an email in to the BingBot support address, the first reply I got back was that Microsoft considered my robots.txt instructions an "ideal" not something that has to be followed.

I pushed back and finally got someone who understand the purpose of robots.txt. That person told me to put a work-around into place, probably because Microsoft had no intention of fixing their bot to follow the robots.txt rules.

What was interesting about the whole series of email conversations was that the first "person" who answered my email did not seem to be a person at all. It just felt as if I was getting a reply from a email-bot.

The email-bot had some things right in its attempt to seem human --- (*) it first tried to push my support request aside, (*) when I didn't comply with that, it effectively told me to pound sand, (*) when I objected to that, it allowed me to bump up my request to a higher tier of support.

Comment Does the OS really matter? (Score 2) 393

I've been playing with various GNU/Linux distributions lately. Since I'm looking to run KDE, I can settle on a reasonable feature set that needs to work.


On a lark, I happened to install FreeBSD with KDE. It worked just as well as any of the GNU/Linux distributions. I wanted to look at PC-BSD, but my test notebook is 32-bit only, So I'll have to save that test for another day.

So now I'm wondering, since everything I need to do is available so long as I am able to run KDE, why does the underlying OS matter at all?

Comment Learn how to interview (Score 1) 809

... For instance, today I asked an engineer with 20+ years of experience to describe to me the basic process of public/private key encryption. This engineer had no clue....

When you are looking for people to join your team, the process usually consists of asking the candidate questions about the technology you are currently using. That's the wrong approach, unless, of course, you want to lock yourselves into what you are doing now.


What you should be probing is how well a candidate is able to learn and apply new technology.

When you are interviewing, you are looking for a candidate to help you move into the future, not stay with what you have now. The questions you should ask need to expose how a candidate learns and adapts to new technologies and the application thereof.

If you ask the wrong questions, you'll get the wrong answers.

Comment Re:About half are below average.... (Score 1) 809

Keep in mind that when speaking of bell curves, the sample size needs to be appropriate to the conclusions you are attempting to draw from the data.


In other words, if you are trying to draw a bell curve based upon the 10 people you've interviewed, {bluntly speaking} you should not be in a position to interview people.

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