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Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 336

Making assumptions... of course you would have asked in ASL (or GSL depending on critter) but you just "assumed" I meant otherwise.

In December of that same year, All Ball escaped from Koko's cage and was hit and killed by a car. Later, Patterson said that when she signed to Koko that All Ball had been killed, Koko signed "Bad, sad, bad" and "Frown, cry, frown, sad". Patterson also reported later hearing Koko making a sound similar to human weeping.[32]

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 336

So they are intelligent, just not at the same level...

Feels like high school all over again.

Just out of curiosity if you could ask a chimp "Can I kill you in the name of science?" what do you think the answer would be?

Comment What a freak (Score 2) 678

There is never too much water, and frankly this is what you get when you build in a desert.

It won’t be much longer before mountains have no snow, then there will be no rivers, no fish, nothing.

When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money
-Cree Indian

Comment Re:A bit off topic (Score 1) 301

You did notice the he said it to Truman correct? It was not stated as part of his speech even though the dates match.

- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946)

Since it is a quote between 2 people you can't prove it didn't happen, and I can't prove it did.

So you went and dug up his Fulton speech but you didn't even notice it was between Truman and Winston.
Or did you?

In addition, I believe I stated it may be propaganda.

Turns out, unless you have video of them saying it, quotes are difficult to prove either way.
With video only slightly less difficult.

There's nothing funny about it, all humans lie and obfuscate, take a look at the Palestinian conflict...

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