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Comment Re:Blaming Google (Score 1) 239

This statement is not the conclusion of the article, it's the headline of the article.

The journalist is using a basic journalistic technique of stating the position in the simpliest, bluntest and most provacative way possible. That makes it easy for the casual browser to grasp the topic, and hopefully draws them in.

The article then goes on to modify and explain.

Comment Re:why would I want to hang with a buncha cunts (Score 5, Insightful) 561

so that they can converse with other people with similar mental character and interests

It's a fair point, but what exactly is being shared? Having a shared high IQ is no guarantee at all of the shared or compatible interests, personality, life aims or values. All the kind of stuff that helps in a social club, and relationship most definitely needs.

The only thing they have in common is an interest in knowing how smart they, and other people are, by one particular yardstick. As interest go, that's pretty shallow.

Comment Re:Who is that? (Score 1) 268

To be fair, it's not just climate change deniers who do this. All manner of nutters have the same tactic.

Make a fact up because it feels right and in line with their particular agenda, state it, hope no-one notices they made it up, keep stating it, forget that they made it up, continue stating it, hey! it's almost as good as true now!

I think they work to the tactic that if they keep saying something, it gradually becomes true through repetition.

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