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Comment Re:Or utilities could take solar more seriously (Score 1) 517

I think the suggestion was basically to pay people to install solar - basically, rent it out. Even with all the subsidies, the initial cost is still hefty, and it takes long enough to recoup that not that many homeowners can afford it. But I think that quite a few would agree to have the company install its panels on their roofs, if that meant that they'd get power at a significantly lower price. The lines for this are all already in place, too.

Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 517

It still sounds like a lot. If you look at the prices of Chinese-made solar panels on Alibaba - i.e. pretty much directly from manufacturer - they're under $1/watt even for the most efficient monocrystalline ones (in fact, most are about $0.7/watt). Now granted, this is price per "ideal watt", but even if you're looking at actual output at 50%, it's still over 15 kW for $30k worth of batteries. Which is a lot, even with AC and all.

Or do solar companies in US resell these at insane margins?

Comment Re:It's sad how red communists took over so fast.. (Score 1) 385

The reason why you had "more freedom than today" was because you knew to keep your mouth shut. If you started openly ranting about it like you are now doing on Slashdot, you'd quickly found out just how free you were... and you knew that, so you didn't.

In this case, though - you can complain as loudly as you want; you can find other like-minded people and organize; and you can vote out the politicians who enacted this law, if you actually have a majority. Or you can just move to another place, and, strangely, you don't even have to ask permission!

Comment Re:Another terrible article courtesy of samzenpus (Score 1) 385

Why is it bad that federal law mandates that toilets not be wasteful?

Because the feds are not supposed to regulate toilets. It's something that the states can and should handle themselves.

Why is it bad that federal law mandates listing the wattage used on a bulb?

Because the feds are not supposed to regulate light bulbs. It's something that the states can and should handle themselves.

I am a liberal, by the way, and I live in a liberal state. The way I see it, we can regulate all that stuff just fine ourselves (or not, if we so choose). There's no reason why the feds have to be involved into it at all.

Comment Re:Meanwhile (Score 1) 280

They know how African diseases work and can fight it much more effectively than westerners can.

Are you saying that "Africans" (whatever that means) are not Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and are not subject to the same diseases as the rest of us?

Or are you referring to specific people, like, say, SAR president Jacob Zuma, who said that he does not worry about contracting HIV from a HIV-positive woman that he fucked, because he washed his dick afterwards?

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