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Comment Re:Will this affect overseas profits tax evasion? (Score 1) 749

Anyone that has a Taxpayer Identification number(read social security number) is required to report. The banks ask you at the time of creation of an account if you have one, and if you do then you have to fill out a special form and they report all your assets to the US government, despite you know, the government not needing to know any of this. If we get married then she gets a TIN and then has to report all this shit. And of course the ironic thing is that this is going to cost way more than it is going to bring in. So the US is pissing people off and fucking over it's citizens all in the name of losing money......

The biggest kick in the pants though is that this act has got me siding with the Republicans. I've officially renounced my membership in the democratic party over this turd of a law. Not insane enough to become a Republican but.

Comment Re:Will this affect overseas profits tax evasion? (Score 1) 749

Um, are you aware of FATCA? It is basically the financial version of this verdict. It forces any financial institution anywhere in the world. It even demands that US citizens who have signing powers on bank accounts for their companies report the balance to the US government. And it's not only US citizens, it's everyone who is of "US interest". As a US citizen abroad let me tell you this sucks, this sucks hard. It's now harder for me to get a bank account, I'm engaged to a national of the country I'm residing in, and as soon as I get married she is going to have to report all her bank balances to the US government. I've never thought about renouncing my US citizenship until now, the US government has no business sticking its nose in when it doesn't belong. This has been a pattern of late, and Obama in some regards is worse than Bush. The US government needs to realize it's not 1950 anymore and they don't have economic hegemony anymore...

Comment Re:Wish I could say I was surprised (Score 5, Insightful) 178

No, "publish or perish" really dis-incentivizes novel research because guess what, often times really novel research fails. All "publish or perish" really does is incentivize either cheating or the lowest risk research imaginable. There are other mechanisms for making sure a researcher is actually doing their work, punishing them for taking risks shouldn't be among them.

Comment Re:Kickstarter (Score 4, Interesting) 57

Homestarrunner I think works better as a part time project. While the updates over the past few years have been sparse, they have also been very inspired and incredibly hilarious. I can't say the same about the cartoons they were making towards the end when they were doing it every week. They still may kickstart, but I would much rather see sporadic but absolutely hilarious updates to h*runner than lots of bland ones.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 302

There is evidence that China's one child policy is what enabled it to grow far faster than India did(though there are people that argue that India's younger population will eventually be an economic asset rather than a drag on the economy). In 1980 China and India's economies were at about the same size, but China has grown far faster than India, and many argue that the one child policy was what allowed this to happen. By limiting the # of children people could have they could invest more capital per student, and measures like the literacy rate show that this effort paid off.

Comment Re:The goal of 1st world countries (Score 1) 401

You should read "Player Piano" by Vonnegut if you haven't already. While some things like really rich engineers and of course the obligatory 50's reference to a computer with a massive # of vacuum tubes didn't come to pass, his depiction of what we do with the "excess" people is spot on. The basics are that they either go into the Army or join the "Reaks and Recs", basically a gang of workers that isn't needed, but gets employed by the government to do meaningless jobs so they can "earn" a paycheck. Honestly it's the most accurate prediction of modern society I have seen in any book that was written more than 50 years ago.

Comment Re:So the Chinese have created a free market econo (Score 1) 131

You are ignoring things like asymmetric risk. If I buy a kit and cannot sell it for more than I paid for it, I can return it*. If Oculus Rift builds more dev kits than people are willing to buy, they can't just go back to the component manufacturers and say, "I bought too many of these, please give me back my money". So no, it's not "capitalism", if it were pure capitalism then we wouldn't have any consumer protection laws and they couldn't return any un-used merchandise(which would probably put the kibosh on these kinds of shenanigans but at a cost that isn't worth it).

I'm assuming there is a return policy, laws in most countries would probably support the consumer if they tried to return an unopened product in a reasonable time window.

Comment Re:But the Tokyo area is so crowded (Score 4, Interesting) 133

For a lot of reasons really. First of all, the article doesn't say where in Chiba prefecture this find was made, while there is a small part of Chiba prefecture that is close to Tokyo(including the part that is home to Tokyo Disney), the prefecture itself is quite large and includes a large peninsula that is quite a long distance from Tokyo.

Secondly, even in Tokyo proper if you travel to any point in the city that is more than a 10-15 minute walk from a station(and there are plenty of them) you will find plenty of run-down and abandoned buildings. Property in Tokyo seems to follow an inverse square law, the value is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the closest station.

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