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Comment Re:Another advantage for TPM chips... (Score 1) 179

Don't forget each of these techniques vary by the quality of the hardware as well as it's sensitivity and spatial relation to the source of the stimulus . If I put a cheap mic in a high traffic area ( office / street ) with an addition of white noise (salt) and generation of keys limited to traffic hours you could get a decent seed. Make a large number of salted seeds when you can and salt again per host.

While you are right that using these methods for realtime key generation could be predictable generating many when the data is rich is still a better than most approach.

Comment Re:Edit conflict! (Score 1) 843

With a Word document, you first need to *find* the document, and make sure you have the latest copy. The one on your hard drive might be 6 weeks out of date. The one in your e-mail folder for that project might be a week or two old, the one on the server a day or two old. There might be a copy your co-worker is editing right now.

Revision control software can help, but I've got an aversion to using CVS/SVN-style revision control for binary files. Yes, it can work, but the software was created for text, and you still need to let others know if you want to make changes, so they don't try to at the same time, or you'll have conflicts that can't be resolved since it's binary. And you need to have a local copy of the workspace just to get that one file. In my case, the svn client is on Linux/Sun machines, but I need to edit on a Windows PC. It's just a pain all around.

From that standpoint, wikis are so much easier. We use them to write up tutorials and theory-of-operation types of documents and the like. Too bad my company wants all official documentation (product specs, designs specs, etc.) to be in Word.

Comment Re:from TFA (Score 1) 921

You have a control group (one type of food) and a variable group (the other type). The single independent variable is the difference between the two; in this case, the (binary-valued) variable is "organically grown". Nutritional value is an outcome; it isn't an independent variable. There is nothing in scientific methodology that says you can't measure multiple outcomes within the same study; you could measure nutritional value *and* toxic effects *and* effect on occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains within a single study that has the same independent variable, if you have the resources and interest to do so.

Perhaps you were only trying to say that, since it was a meta-study, they were constrained by the nature of the previous studies in existence. That may be the case (or maybe not), but that's a resource constraint, not a methodological constraint. And the way your original statement was phrased has me convinced you were referring to method.

Comment Re:$40m? (Score 1) 144

And why the hell would you pay $200k for a suborbital flight for a couple minutes?

Why would someone pay $1million for a diamond ring? $1millon for a car? $50k for a sub woofer?

Not because they can, but because you can't.

Comment Re:Seiko SmartLabel 440 (Score 1) 188

That's new... I've had a Seiko for years and occasionally check their web page for updates to the Mac software (as of the last version I tried it still sucks -- won't display contacts alphabetically). I'll give the Linux version a try and hope it's decent. Their Windows software works OK but I'm trying to move everything off of the one Windows machine I keep around (if I ever get Quicken to work under Wine, that machine will be history).

Comment Re:Think of the towers (Score 1) 495

Legality is almost irrelevant when the capability and desire is widespread.

True. But what does that have to do with attacking cell towers?

Put aside the other idiocies of the argument Apple is making. They're asking us to believe that somewhere out there is a hacker, willing and able to take down an entire provider's--and why not the entire nation's?--cell phone towers. And this dastardly plan would come to fruition if only they could figure out how to jailbreak their iPhones!!

Give me a break. If the networks ARE that staggeringly vulnerable I can guarantee it's not the "jailbreak iphone" step that's stopping it from happening.

Rot in hell, Apple. You lying douchebags.

Comment Re:Google Groups (Score 2, Interesting) 625

For instance, how to do you start a new Usenet group (on that has to be replicated) - it's kinda hard, IIRC.

Pop in alt.config and ask. Things are so slow they sometimes forget to insult the proponents.

If your wanting a Big-8 group you may be pleasantly surprised to find there is no longer a formal voting procedure. news.groups has moved next door to the moderated news.groups.proposals where a tiny bit of grovelling may get you a group in as little as a few weeks.

Meanwhile the alt-configers who read (but seldom post to) n.g.p hang around in n.g mocking the few remaining news groupies. Seriously, if you have been away for a few years things are quite different!

Operating Systems

Submission + - Are .tmp files necessary or just bad programming?

planckscale writes: After spending another hour deleting .tmp files from a bloated XP machine I started to wonder, is the .tmp file necessary when coding an application on the MS platform? Why do so many apps produce .tmp files and is it just because of bad coding or does the use of them dramatically speed up an app? Don't coders use dev/null to reduce them in linux? I can understand the use of them in case an app crashes for recovery purposes, but why don't more apps have the capacity to delete their own .tmp files once they are done with them? Is it too much to ask to at least have the option when closing an app to delete your temp files?

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