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Comment Re:Problem traced (Score 2) 93

I fully understand how an MCU saves time over using discrete logic. That is a trivial issue. But I sort of fail to see how dealing with complex software on top of complex hardware beats using simple (not trivial!) software on top of simple hardware, perhaps with the exception of this being The Only Way for a lot of solution vendors ("What, you don't want to program in C++ with our 3GB environment? But that's how we do things!").

Comment Not of the kind usually talked about but, yes. (Score 1) 381

Suuntu Ambit2 is a 100m water resistant GPS sport watch that you can run apps on to custom process the data. It doesn't do things that smart phones do but it does not require a smart phone to function and it operates in environments where smart phones can't. It is heavy, expensive, and there are Linux compatibility issues. That is why I don't own one yet. But it is the right direction.

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score -1, Troll) 242

So, according to you you, water does not form long chains of connected molecules and the actual form of those chains is not dependend on the ions in the water?
Please elaborate and farm in your Nobel Prize.
Sorry, you are an idiot, no idea about your homeopathy research, so. Perhaps you should publish about that more, too? So we can read about your ideas?
"Water memory", a form of Homeopathy ... what nonsense is that? what has the one to do with the other? (*facepalm*)

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score -1, Troll) 242

Then perhaps you should read a book about chemistry or physics, or simply google, or jump over your shadow and try to understand what I wrote.
One molecule + another molecule form a two molecule long chain, due to their dipolar nature ... more make longer chains. If you don't know this I suggest you don't try to study at an european university ... normal educational stuff might be bejond your comprehension

Comment Re:because drinking water is so pristine (Score 1) 242

The concern is not piss and shit --- it's synthetic chemicals, such as rubbing alcohol, medications, petrol/motor oil, ethylene glycol; pesticides, fertilizer, and materials containing heavy metals or other toxins, that folks sometimes flush down the drain.

Medicines are a big part of that mix also. Especially estrogen and it's mimics. lot's of goodies in the water, some times from discarded pills, some teims from pissing. There is even some thought that this has been part of the issue of men "growing boobs" that's been going on for some years now. Between the Phytoestrogens we've been eating in larger and larger amounts, (soybeans, peas) and the Mimics in Bisphenol A plastics, and the estrogenated water we're drinking, men are growing their own set of hooters, and we might have trouble finding our willies soon.

Comment Re:"Tastes about average for West Texas" (Score 1) 242

I've had NYC tap through clean pipes and it was the best I've had so far. Florida's aquifers will still be kicking when it starts to *really* dry up out west too.

Side note - NYC's water system is amazing. Piped in from upstate New York through huge underground tunnels, ending up deep under the city and piped back up. It is very clean, and is very tasty. I was going to post a link from youtube, but it turns out there are a lot of them on the NYC water system at the site.

Comment Re:More details (Score 1) 73

Depends on the definition as there is no 'official' one.
Geographically: Norway, Sweden and north Finland (perhaps the geographical one can be considered the 'official' one?)
Cultural and language: Norway, Sweden and Denmark (as laymen seem not to know that a) north Finland speaks partly swedish and b) Denmark is geographically not connected)
On the other hand the true laymen just put all into one basket and add Denmark as well as Finland to Skandinavia. No idea why, but I would bet the majority of germans would put all 4 into that 'cathegory'.

Comment Re:Seriously, an iphone? (Score 1) 143

You're conflating "phone" and "smartphone". They are different things.

People can phone me and send well-crafted packets as much as they want, but they won't be able to turn on my phone's WiFi, accelerometer or GPS because the hardware doesn't exist. And I can answer work emails any time that I want to - by going home and logging into my computer and thence into the mail server. Which suits me fine - I don't want to answer work-email when I'm on leave.

Comment Re:Not new, and not shocking. (Score 1) 242

Singapore experimented with it in the 1970's, but the news is that it is now possible to do it at competitive price point. This means that cities like Phoenix and Los Angeles will not have to be abandoned when their natural water supplies run out.

I imagine that if the technology can be miniaturized and made to work in lower than Earth gravity it could also be hugely important for human space flight and colonization of other bodies in the solar system.

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