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Comment Re:More feminist bullshit (Score 1) 728

Since you brought up politics, this harmless "words on a screen" sounds a lot like what resulted in the shooting of Senator Gabrielle Giffords. There are way too many crazy people in the world to be putting people's personal information out there. This is also much like what happened to Valerie Plame during the Bush administration.

Comment Re:If a compiler can... (Score 1) 124

Another poster mentions that a 16 bit function consisting of "15 AND gates" takes 31 GB of space and takes 3 hours to process. That actually does seem beyond a human to unobfuscate, but I bet a well written tool should be capable (if they can actually find the part that matters in that 31 GB).

Comment Re:1GB (Score 2) 554

I work at a non-profit and have installed win 7 on machines with as little as 512MB ram. As long as you don't run any antivirus, they are usable and a 1GB machine is just fine for internet browsing and office apps. Now if you want to install an antivirus, you are talking 1.5GB minimum for a responsive system. I'd bet your wife's laptop had a bunch of always running corporate junkware on it and it may also have full disk encryption to deal with.

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