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Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 0) 458

There is no overwhelming evidence towards AGW. The models have all failed to predict the non-growth in GW over the last decade. Only people listening to appeals to authority actually believe the models are working. And worse, the predictions (no ice cap, bad hurricanes ....) all have failed. And when Sandy hits it is AGW, but when no hurricanes hit it is or worse when it is really cold "don't you know the difference between weather and climate" (apparently AGW proponents don't either).

And you have failed to prove that government can solve any problem.

Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 2, Insightful) 458

"revenue-neutral carbon tax would be quite progressive"

That is impossible. First off, Government always gets its cut of the pie, so there is no such thing as "revenue-neutral" (first lie). Second, all taxes are regressive, as poor people cannot avoid them as well as rich people can.

And only liberals figure that taxing something is a right of government, and the "go to" game-plan for all progressive "solutions".

Comment Re:Translation (Score 0) 458

Scientific Consensus is Opinion. Global Warming is a theory.

Global Warming is a theory backed by Scientific Consensus. It is an opinion of a theory.

The problem is, people like you think that Global Warming is fact (it isn't) and the scientific consensus is proof (it isn't). But keep making that case all you want, it doesn't help convince people like me who want actual science.

Comment Re:Human-induced climate change is a hoax (Score 0) 458

It was the proverbial "y'all" you. ;)

The problem is, we have people using "Scientific Consensus" as equivalent to fact. It is nothing short of appeal to authority logical fallacy. Premise B-E are nothing less than speculation, but often treated as fact. The logical argument that is being made is We should do X because "might be" and "could be" reasons, without adequate probabilities being established. Probabilities can't be established because the scientific evidence is lacking for even a reasonable predictive model.

BUT I am labeled a denier because I want SCIENCE and not opinion.

Comment Re:Human-induced climate change is a hoax (Score 0) 458

a) True. The planet has been warmer and cooler than it is now.
b) Humans change a lot of things. SOME of the change is caused by humans. Nobody has even come close to defining how much change is human caused; all such models have failed clearly indicating that AGW (not Climate Change) is pure speculation even if it is also scientific consensus (which by definition, isn't science)
c) Key word "Might". No such proof exists, and all models that predicted horrible events have failed.
d) Key word "Could". No such proof exists, and all models that predicted horrible events have failed.
e) Key word "Might". No such proof exists, and all models that predicted horrible events have failed.
f) Key phrase, "administered effectively by government(s)", an assumption that I reject completely as irresponsible.

Basically, you have a bunch of unproven assumptions and, worst of all, faith in government. Fix the assumptions (and "consensus" isn't facts), and replace your faith in government with healthy scientific skepticism and you might convince people like me.

Comment Re:Translation (Score 0) 458

Global Warming is a theory. All models used to predict actual climate changes have failed. The Al Gore "no ice cap" style Chicken Little cries are starting to get tiresome. Especially when you consider the thousands of jets used by the elites to go to Davos to listen to Al Gore spew more nonsense.

IF the AWG conspiracists REALLY TRULY believed what they were saying, THEY would lead by example, not by fiat dictates to us "common folk" while contributing more to AGW in a week than I do in a year.

Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 1, Troll) 458

Having cars that either get really excellent fuel economy

How about fucking government not try to regulate every last bit of freedom away under imaginary threats that are "scientific consensus" and not actual, you know "facts".

AGW is not a fact, it is an opinion. All of the models used to predict GW have failed, miserably and yet it is considered "fact" by too many people who don't know what "fact" actually means.

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