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Comment Re:The terror threat is low (Score 5, Insightful) 435

You are exactly correct. I was on a boating trip with several couples whom I didn't know and people started complaining about TSA. One poor woman ventured her opinion "but I think it's all ok because it keeps us safe"... I pointed out that I could kill plenty of people by wedging a bit of metal into a commuter track. She gave me a horrified look along with "Why would you even think of that?", but I think I made my point.

The problem is, they've already got a huge chunk of the country, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, convinced that we are under constant threat of attack. (It's the lizard brain, I guess). So once they put in place checkpoints EVERYWHERE (which yes, is their plan, the fascisty fucks), it will actually be a bit harder to find the evidence you and I have both noted (once everything is surveilled, it will be hard to argue there's been no attacks because no one is trying). Also, I suspect violence would actually go up, as more people joined resistance/anti-fascist/terrorist groups in response to a crackdown. But I'm just speculating.

Comment Re:Converging steps (Score 1) 294

Ok, meanwhile in reality I would enjoy very much living in "socialist" Germany. You go enjoy your freedom to be poisoned to death by an unregulated food industry and have housing bubbles destroying the wealth of the middle class. We have many socialist institutions here and yet you seem to be alive and well to complain on the internet about it. I won't deny that they US is taking a troubling turn, but this has nothing to do with "socialism". Again, having government-sponsored healthcare, etc., does not require abdication of human or civil rights, unless you think it's your "right" not to obey the rule of law... which is another issue entirely.

Comment Re:Converging steps (Score 1) 294

As a socialist-leaning liberal (as in policies, not that I want to emmulate the communists), I am confused how you can describe a police state (aka totalitarian or fascist state) as being a "socialist heaven"... I think it's a good idea for the community to control certain things (health care, social safety nets like unemployment), but I am absolutely uninterested in controlling everyone's behavior. These things do not have to run in parallel. One can be a socialist and an anti-fascist.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 356

I'm also dumping Ubuntu after dealing with the horrible horrible Unity/Gnome3 experience. I'll go use Scientific Linux or something where they don't needlessly change the desktop environment to something shitty just because they think it looks cool.

Comment Re:Successful ? (Score 5, Interesting) 99

Troll much? You can always tell a made-up complaint because it describes a situation nothing like reality, and has a tone of venomous contempt that is excessive given the situation. People with no money to buy the item? Ok, maybe some people low-ball you but I have found that is easily curtailed by stating. "SERIOUSLY NO LOW-BALL OFFERS PRICE FIRM" on the ad. As for scams I get about 5% spam response rate on most things. They are super-obvious. Guess what. I click delete. I also get several offer emails usually and can only sell to one person! OMG, the horrors of selling something for free.

Comment Re:Easy enough to sign... (Score 2) 206

I signed, but I'm a few months from graduating and I'm not worried AT ALL that my advisor will care. It helps that in my field the major journals are published by universities, and not Elsevier (who, needless to say, are a bunch of jerks). Personally, I think people take the "ooh, be careful with that possibly-unpopular opinion you might have, someone might tell your future tenure committee!" way too far.

Comment Re:I'm curious, (Score 3, Interesting) 162

An Associate Professor IS tenured. It's what your title is just after getting tenure. How they keep you on the hook "being a good boy/girl" is to dangle full professorship in front of you (it comes with more money, not just a nice title). In most cases, if you don't make full professor a few years after associate, you don't ever get it. BTW, ''Assistant Professor' is what you are called pre-tenure.

Comment Re:Why people want to KILL SOPA? (Score 1) 273

Look you seem like a nice person but what I'm trying to say is that outside of very very draconian laws (and they would have to be worse than PIPA to actually "stop" the problem), you will ALWAYS have piracy. It's like having a business model that depends on sunshine and being really angry about it raining. There's nothing much to be done about it. Even if you break the internet, people can share on thumb drives! There will always be this drag on the system. I'm NOT pro-piracy, but I am pro-being-realistic. Go spend your time innovating and giving people a reason to buy.

Comment Re:Why people want to KILL SOPA? (Score 2) 273

I highly doubt that 50,000 people would have even heard of your game, much less downloaded it if it weren't available for free. In fact, some people may have wandered over and paid for a "real" version after trying it, assuming they liked it. I could just as easily assert that piracy HELPED you as not; you have no way of knowing, and breaking the internet is overkill for the problem. And you answered your own problem. Instead of reporting links, why don't you work on a new game? It's a much better ROI than hoping you somehow force people to buy your game by reporting links... I'm guessing that has gotten you very little gains.

Comment Re:Young women don't need makeup.... (Score 2) 383

I'm also the carrier of two X chromosomes, and no, I'm not ugly. We do exist, but since it would be asinine to point out what gender you are in every post, this silly idea that there are no women on /. continues.

Anyway, I wear light makeup most days I go to work because it simply looks more professional to do so. I mean some powder and mascara and lip gloss, not really heavy makeup. I'd love to go without but until that becomes the norm I'll probably continue to conform to what is the minimum standard on this one, at least at work.

I will add that I was slathering on makeup as a teenager (I mean at 14!! jeez) because it's what my peers/mother encouraged me to do and it was TOTALLY not necessary, I was actually quite lucky and had perfect skin. It's weird how what becomes "normal" can so easily override logic in these cases.

Finally, I agree that you can more or less do the following and your skin will thank you for it (man or woman):

Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine


drink lots of water

eat well

Don't smoke

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