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Comment Devils advocate here (Score 4, Insightful) 141

Perhaps they use thumbprints as opposed to swipe cards that students lose? When I was in elementary school we had the cards for our cash accounts and a friend lost his almost every week. Yes, thumbprints sound a little scary, but even if they gave them ID cards they would still be tracking them.

Comment Re:Why would anyone want to live forever? (Score 1) 140

First article I read about the so called "on off" aging switch the guy said you wouldn't live forever. He backed this up with statistics and the certainty that something would get you after about 300-400 years: illness, plane crash, murder, etc. it is the aging switch, not the immortality switch in the general sense.

Comment Re:these viruses are the end of computing (Score 2) 38

These ransomware viruses are getting more sophisticated. You can only combat that with a multifaceted strategy. I backup entire images to my media server. I also backup the irreplaceable stuff to a separate folder which my media server backs up to Amazon S3 via S3FS (shell scripts!). Finally, I have an external drive which I plug in and backup to once a week. It's cold storage which the ransomware can't get to unless I fail to realize I've been compromised when I plug it in.

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