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Comment Re:Looking for a real conversation (Score 1) 369

Look, come on, this is easy. The percentage of adherents of any religion that are "fully observant" is vanishingly small. The Jewish and Christian (by extension) texts are full of "such and such infraction requires death" rules. Ancient desert religions are full of dumb rules, and modern practitioners pick and choose which of those dumb things they can throw away.

Comment Re:summary is misleading (Score 1) 347

I doubt he's tech-savvy enough to even mean that. He probably is using 'screen size' as a proxy for 'device type,' thinking he can arbitrarily decide whether you are allowed play a video on a TV, computer, phone, or what have you. New phones have the same resolution as an HDTV, anyway.

Comment Re:I thought current consoles were like current PC (Score 2) 117

You're right, total brainfart on my part. I knew they were Jaguars (hence anemic), but I was thinking jags were put together the same way as the Bulldozers. Still--my point was that it's an Athlon 5150 with more cores (same speed, architecture), which really isn't enough to feed modern games at 1080p.

Comment Re:Why single out Whole Foods? (Score 1) 794

Whole Foods has some very attractive looking produce, but it's 3x more expensive than any other store in my area, even comparing organic to organic. Their bulk granola was a good price for a while, but then it shot up, and now it's more expensive *and* has more sugar than the organic boxed stuff from the normal grocery stores. They do have a nice wine-tasting thing on Fridays, though.

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