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Comment Re:By facts, not links? (Score 4, Interesting) 375

It had come a long way, then it started being manipulated by ideology pushing extremists that have become very adept at abusing the hell out of labrynthian policies to the point that even when the author of a news article flat out says "They're lying, I never said that at all" it's the author that gets punished.

Comment Re:Instilling values more important (Score 4, Interesting) 698

I don't think it's really a bad thing to have videos in case of specific events, but really I think everyone's going about this the wrong way because OP himself has the wrong idea.

OP: Don't just make videos with advice and messages... make videos about you. You're leaving her when she's a small child, she's not going to get to know you like she would if she'd grown up with you there. Leave her videos about you, stories about your life, videos of you and your wife or parents together, things that will let her know you as a person and not just as this talking cutout of a person she remembers from her childhood. Tell her why you love science, what it means to you, how it's been a part of your life.

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