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Comment Re:Stop this stupid First past the Post system (Score 1) 413

With proportional voting a minority party in the US system would still be largely locked out because of Duverger's Law and the two major parties would exploit proportional voting using large numbers of less populous districts to outweigh more densely populated urban areas. With instant runoff voting people can vote for whoever they want without having to worry about Duverger's Law screwing them.

Comment Re:I wonder if anyone here has actually played it? (Score 2) 171

Point being this isn't some technological leap, it's a high-res pack slapped over an old accomplishment. You want to impress me with a new technology show me Battlefield's destruction engine taken to the next level without performance issues. Show many raytracing that's feasible on normal hardware. Don't show me something from 10 years ago and say "LOOK, MORE POLYGONS!"

Comment Gerrymandering has internal effects too... (Score 5, Insightful) 413

Actually if anything they're more serious than the external ones. In an ordinary district the candidates from each major party have to compete for a majority of voters. In a gerrymandered "safe" district the other side is never going to win in the first place so the real contest isn't between each side but rather during the primary to see who's can be more extreme.

Comment Re:Web Searches For These Suck (Score 1) 127

See the problem with R is that a lot of departments requiring it aren't teaching it as a programming language, they're trying to teach it like it's SPSS with a command line. Nobody ever learns what's actually going on under the hood or how to actually manipulate the data, they just know that hitting buttons in the right order SHOULD make it do a regression.

Comment Re:To America? Yes. To the GOP? No. (Score 1) 247

Posting a bunch of links of people doing things like fighting to keep raping men from being outlawed under the banner of "feminism" is a "massive MRA rant"? MRA's are now interchangeable with "channer trolls/opportunists/dupes"? Looks more like you've just decided to add "MRA" to a list of interchangeable cliches that you slap on anyone you disagree with to justify covering your eyes and rejecting whatever contradicts your worldview.

You posted "actually it's about ethics" with the intention of mocking that insistence. I posted "actually it's about equality" with a whole bunch of evidence of "feminists" doing things that are patently anti-equality (yknow, like trying to keep rape legal or harming domestic violence victims).

BTW Shadow, FWIW, the tactics of your fellow MRAs/channer trolls/opportunists/dupes lead me to actually sit down and watch Anita Sarkeesian's video series the other week. Well, I had to. And yes, it will impact some of my work in future, she makes some excellent points. Me, myself, probably won't make a difference to you, but I know plenty of others who have done the same. And by coming out into the open, you've also made it easier for us to see you, for me to, for example, warn my daughter (when she's old enough, I'm not going to scare the shit out of her right now) about the extremists in your group who write articles like "How to get away with rape" and "How to break a woman".

So thank you - to you and the people you defend and associate with - for making it easier to arm my daughter, and for ensuring I, and legions of other men who seriously had thought sexism against women was nothing like as serious as it is, open our eyes and start fighting for equality.

Seriously? "how to get away with rape"? You're just going to make shit up and try to pin it on me by associating me with some ridiculously hyperbolic villain cliche? What's next, moustache twirling and tying people to the train tracks?

You want to talk about "getting away with rape"? I just gave you a link to people literally fighting to stop rape from being outlawed. I just gave you a link to research publications discussing real harm done to real domestic violence victims, and real articles mocking domestic violence and victims. I gave you links to live videos of people committing felonies. If it's people talking about getting away with rape and breaking someone with abuse you want to talk about how about we talk about the mainstream people in your group that I've already supplied actual proof of.

Also you realise that you're rushing to defend as "[making] some excellent points" a whorephobic thief and plagiarist that's been caught repeatedly making patently untrue claims and generally passing off anti-feminist sexshaming nonsense as "feminist critique", right? You're talking about someone that shit all over Bayonetta, which is widely considered to be one of the single most positive feminist icons in gaming, and will plug a book she's got ties to before the bodies of dead kids are even cold?

Comment Re:To America? Yes. To the GOP? No. (Score 1) 247

If you're against any sexism regardless of the target why is it you just spent an entire post trying desperately to derail from discussing the actions of a political/social movement with "you horrible woman-hater you!", emotionally charged assertions, personal attacks, and disproven canards? A group of people literally fighting to keep rape legal and throw half of all domestic violence victims under the bus is hardly the "least-dangerous gender discrimination", nor does having a problem with the political/social movement behind that have anything to do with being "insecure and scared of the menace of women". Likewise the fact half of all domestic violence victims are more likely to be arrested than their abuser is hardly a "small wrinkle".

As for the rest of your canards the wage gap myth has been debunked at least a dozen times and men are a huge majority of the homeless and virtually all workplace deaths, prisoners, and suicides. They're also over 10x as likely to go to jail for the same crime as a woman is (far larger than the difference between whites and blacks) and get far more severe sentencing than women. Meanwhile women are nearly 2/3rds of college graduates and utterly dominating the entire education system. And don't even try to bring up that supposed "STEM gap" which is actually only in one or two majors, one of which is a mere 10% of all degrees conferred.

As for "men" running the world... "men" don't run the world. "Men" are not some fungible borg-like monolith. Your problem is with social and economic class, not with gender.

Comment Re:To America? Yes. To the GOP? No. (Score 1) 247

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