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Comment Re:Good thing I used CmdrTaco's info (Score 1) 446

Given that it's rather easy to use a credit card with an assumed name, and also a fake billing address submitted while paying, I really don't see why the people who wanted to stay discreet/anonymous didn't do so.

In case anyone wanted to know how to do it, at least in the U.S. it's rather trivial:

Because it sounds complex and not entirely legal (it might be legal but it sounds like it might be illegal).

The vast majority of users are going to be using their real credit card.

If the hackers get your data, all they have dirt on is a fictional character. This is 21st century, I thought every guy who knows how to use a bank account and a computer would know this shit?

I'm not even sure every guy who knows how to use a bank account and a computer fully understands how credit cards work. I think you need to seriously recalibrate your opinion of what typical people are capable of.

Comment Re:Twice your worth (Score 4, Interesting) 305

The real problem for these companies hiring from India and others, is that they ARE paying low wages for the workers. That makes them susceptible to being bribed by other corporations and nations.

If anybody takes a look at the major companies (target, home depot, nemum marcus, etc) that were cracked over the last couple of years, nearly all had windows, and all had outsourced to India. Indian coders are paid around $8K / year. That means that China or Russia can easily bribe somebody for 80K, which is 10 years worth of salary there.

Comment Re:Global Climate != Local Climate (Score 1) 385

While I agree with your earlier posting, I think that you would have to agree that Putin has put Russia back on the old single party track, with central planning, etc.
Russia looks a great deal like the USSR of old, which is why many of the old eastern European nations that were break-aways, are concerned about Putin.

Comment Re:decouple from petroleum is the point (Score 1) 188

buying a car now, locks you into the current AND FUTURE grid. Basically, the grid is cleaning up all the time.
By 2020, Coal will be less than 1/3 of the electricity in America. In fact, it might be less than 25% since Wind is quite a bit cheaper than coal.
Now, all that is needed, is for America to re-do Nukes so that they are cheap, small and safe and can replace the remaining coal plants.

Comment Re:Blame the far right and left for this. (Score 1) 385

Actually, no.
The ideal situatioun for America is to put part of this money into paying down our debt, but another part into more subsidies on moving us off oil. For example, a LIMITED-TIME subsidy for getting new commercial and large passenger vehicles to move to nat gas and then later on, to series hybrid with nat gas.
In addition, a subsidy to move low income ppl to insulate, install better windows, and move their HVAC to geo-thermal heat pump, would drop our use of fuel oil (which mostly comes from venezuela).

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