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Comment Re:What do people use Perl for? (Score 2, Insightful) 235

I use Perl for one-time jobs... Repairing badly-formatted 80GB data files. Splitting flat files into multiple output files. Testing uniqueness of various fields. Finding the line(s) in a 250GB file that is crashing the sqlload program, and fixing it, because you have two hours or we'll lose the project. (nevermind it's the client's data). Editing several files to purge or excise fields or characters before doing serious work with them. Most of these I do via the command line. I'll write actual Perl scripts to crawl throughout our network and gather statistics on files and projects, to test patch status, to download files, process them, and email the results.

Quick! The boss is standing over you demanding that you convert a flat file into csv, add a header, prepend a unique id, and spit any lines with weird characters into a separate file. Here's the printout of the layout. You have ten minutes. There's a million lines in the file and they've got to build a marketing model before the client meeting in one hour.

Comment Re:I'm on the Mall right now (Score 0) 212

Bush was on vacation clearing brush 1/2 of his presidency until 9/11, and as we found out later, he'd been gunning for invading Iraq since he became President. Plus, Bush flatly ignored the report that Bin Laden was going to attack the US.

There's no fucking way that Al Gore would have sent our military to invade Iraq, pushed for torture, greatly expanded the secret prisons. That war drained our military, drained our economy, and filled our hospitals with vetrans who will be on healthcare for the rest of their lives.

Al Gore's big thing was fighting climate change, which would have resulted in a new technology and research boom in America, NO NEW WARS, and he would not have pissed away the goodwill of the foreign nations, if he'd been unable to prevent 9/11. Plus, fighting climate change has the side-effect of reducing our foreign energy dependence. I have no doubt that Al Gore would have had a better pick for FEMA head, and a better response for Katrina. He wouldn't have been the second coming of Christ, but at least he wouldn't have been indifferent and snarky and intentionally destroying government effectiveness.

Bush and his team were fucking awful for the US.

Obama's pretty fucking decent. He can actually write his own speeches, and he reads the newspapers, and he can effectively lead and organize. That'll be a shit-load better than Bush. If people are treating Obama like the second-coming, it's only because we've survived eight-years of Bush.

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