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Journal Journal: Debian without a CD?

I've had some problems with manual kernel configuration on Gentoo, so I'm planning on switching to Debian. Only problem is that I really don't want to have to burn another CD, although I do have a Gentoo LiveCD(I have full access to the network). Am I able to install from that?

Journal Journal: Windows is annoying 2

I booted into Windows so that I could put some stuff on my iPod(no iTunes for Linux, grrr) and a certain feature it somehow picked up with a Windows Update upgrade or something is really bugging me. It's decided that since Windows is updated, it needs to remind me to restart every 15 minutes or so with a dialog that pops out of nowhere and says "The update is almost complete. Please restart your computer now." I have to click "Restart Later" since the window keeps itself on top all the time Once I finish a few things, the first thing I'm going to do is click "Restart"...and boot back into Linux. ;).
And the dialog just came back up. Right after I finish this journal entry, I'm clicking the "Restart Now" button and getting back into Linux

Journal Journal: About the trolls fighting Slashdot

I have gotten sick and tired of those trolls who think they're on some holy war against "Slashdot groupthink". There is no Slashdot groupthink, except maybe that of criticizing Slashdot, as the consistent upmodding of the trolls' posts shows.

Things that antiSlash trolls do which really piss me off:
  • Use the term "Slashbot": You really think you're funny, don't you? You're not. You're annoying. And frankly, it means nothing, as those you call "Slashbots" tend to be outnumbered.
  • Think that your posts are modded down because of a moderator conspiracy: They aren't. They're modded down either because of: 1) a bad moderator. They occur sometimes, but that's what metamoderation is for. The mod will get pummeled in M2. Repeat after me: The mod will get pummeled in M2. 2) your post sucks. The moderator is right.
  • Think of yourself as fighting a Linux establishment in /.: There is no Linux establishment in /.. There are Linux users on /.--I'm one of them--but they are in the minority .
  • Spread your anti-/. bullshit on /.: It sorta makes you look stupid, for obvious reasons. Nobody is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to use Slashdot. GO DO SOMETHING ELSE IF YOU DON'T LIKE SLASHDOT!

Rant over.

-WilliamSChips, bringing you the best in highly vitriolic rants since 1990.
(Note that my thoughts may seem a bit disorganized--oh well, I think I got my point across)

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