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Submission + - China pressuring US for cheap green-technologies (

Trintech writes: "At a U.N. conference on climate change, China is asking developed nations like the US to offer cutting-edge renewable technology to poor developing countries at a reduced price. American companies though are not receptive to selling their technologies at a reduced price and also worry that countries like China will not respect the intellectual-property rights of their technologies. China argues that this is for the public good and will help combat climate change."

Submission + - For Sleepy Drivers, Coffee vs. Napping (

Ant writes: "A New York Times blog says that sleepy drivers, who don't want to stop their journey, have two choices: pull over and take a short nap or load up with caffeine to stay awake. It asks what's the better option? French researchers decided to find out, testing the driving performance of two dozen sleep-deprived motorists... Seen on Blue's News."

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