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Comment Re:And what about Economic Terrorism? (Score 1) 242

The 1% are just playing the game that US politicians were happy to sell to them. I can't fault them for their scummy behaviour. I can't hate them for taking advantage of a system that is broken.

Your elected officials are supposed to be standing up for the citizens, not selling out their office - and their country - to the lobbyists that basically seem to control the fate.

The really sad part is everyone feels stuck in this two party system, this horrible false dichotomy that has been carefully manoeuvred by interest groups to accomplish basically nothing - except preserving the status quo. Well, and sending it on this downward spiral into a scary police state.

I wish I could contribute to Lessig's Mayday campaign, because it is one of the few genuine attempts at reform, but I'm not a citizen or permanent resident (though I currently live in the US). I volunteered some time to help their technical team and wish I could do more.

Comment Re:Hypothetical (Score 1) 962

But we aren't talking about those issues right here in this post. We're talking about women right now, so let's stick to the topic.

I was not going to participate in the discussion because most every viewpoint was already covered... but then you had to go and say what I quoted above. *sigh*

She is claiming that men are attacking her. So right there, we have an issue about men. The woman is talking exclusively about men.

Is it surprising that people are talking about men? Especially when her words accuse ALL men?

Personally, I see some of the discussion about women and some of the discussion about men, which makes sense since ultimately, it is a discussion about how women and men interact.

Note how I avoided discussion the merits, or lack thereof, of her entire thesis? There is one thing I would really really like to say though:

There appears to be a group of alpha males and wannabe alpha males (trolls) who attack everything. Female, male, whatever. They try to find the weakest point of that person and tear them down. She seems to be a victim of that and is trying to express it in terms of sexual assault.

It is not surprising that she would do so; after all, she can only speak of things from her experiences. What she does not realize is that it happens to everybody. Being a woman, the attacks are more sexualized in nature but even men get assaulted in that manner. Hell, most of the Slashdot regulars have been assaulted like that. There is a reason for all of the basement jokes. It is safer down there.

Back to the main point, the reason you see so much discussion about mens' issues is that she has made it one by claiming that men in general act that way. It is simply not true and most Slashdot readers are tired of being assaulted by this claim. We do not want women to be assaulted any more than we want ourselves to be assaulted... and yet here we are, the male regulars of Slashdot are being assaulted. Again.

Take your womens' issues and stick them up your ass. This is a dominance issue. It has nothing to do with gender other than most of the alpha type folks are male. Even then, not all alphas play dominance games like that. And to top all of THAT off, the majority of males are not even alphas or wannabe alphas.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Thirty Four

An alarm woke me up at quarter to seven and for once I didn't mind a bit, and in fact I was glad it woke me up. I was in the middle of a really weird dream. A herd of cows was stampeding towards me, only they were running on their hind legs and somehow carrying big butcher knives in their front hooves, all singing a Chartov song while coming at me. Too many westerns, I guess.
It was engine seventeen, somethin

Comment Re:The problem is... (Score 1) 190

No one who wasn't literally insane would try to use smallpox as a weapon


the infection would inevitably spread back to the country which initiated it

That is a benefit. It can be spun as, "they are counterattacking", etc.

and the idea that we would need samples of our own to retaliate is preposterous.

Agree. We might want samples to create a cure... so samples of our own is still a good idea.

The nightmare scenario is some Hitler-like dude inoculating his followers and letting lose the virus to destroy all of the impure people. As a state sanctioned weapon, biological warfare is virtually useless.

Comment Re:This is just a repeat (Score 1) 282

Hold on, as much as Microsoft has ticked me off for 3+ decades, I don't want to see Google with a monopoly either. MS kind of keeps them in check.

WTF dude? Is your name Steve Ballmer or some such? Microsoft and Google are NOT competitors.

Microsoft does operating systems and other software, Google does search and advertising. There is some crossover to be sure, such as Bing and Android... but if Microsoft were to fail, it is NOT Google that will be replacing them. Perhaps Apple, perhaps not. Not Google.

Comment Re:cause and/or those responsible (Score 1) 667

That may seem strange to us in Europe or the USA where miltary and civilian operations are conducted from separate facilities

It should not be strange to Americans either. Peterson Air Force base uses the other end of the Colorado Springs Airport.

And there are others, this one was merely convenient for me to point out.

Comment Re:If (Score 1) 56

how? my thought that you weren't making a profit was based on the subscriber number times the cost of subscription minus the print costs and minus *personnel cost*. surely you cannot be making a profit unless nobody works for the magazine and/or all the writing is done for free in which case again, hey, it's easy to do profit if you don't count the expenses and fund doing it with something else.

which would actually mean that print is dead. see those professional youtubers? you know why they'r professional? because they're getting enough views for it to be a form of professional journalism because they're getting enough income that it pays their day to day living.

Comment Re:Wait, wait... (Score 1) 132

but if I did it and sold it on the market on the country that I am in or their neighbouring countries then I would be unethical/criminal?

wtf? there's no "due time".

they could be just bullshitting too and just waiting for fixes to come in and then say "yeah those were the vulns".

furthermore, they would be vulnurabilities on the firefox code or the tor code which would count as news on their own. or perhaps they're just buggy drivers for wifi or ethernet. we don't know and now they're just doing two things, scaremongering and fishing for money from companies. they're using this as advertisement. "pay us or we'll sell exploits to your sw and not tell you" which is pretty much exactly what "black hat" exploit sellers are doing so does their work bother you? if not, ok.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Morgan Freeman on Mars

As I was going through Google News this morning I ran across an item about actor Morgan Freeman talking to a couple of astronauts on the ISS at a round table discussion at JPL before an audience of what looked like two or three hundred people, all of whom were JPL employees.

He was there with the producer of his show on the Science Channel Through the Wormhole and with its writer, a physicist.

Comment Re:Crazy (Score 1) 778

Not necessarily (think about it!), but in any event, it is far from clear that minimum wage actually gives more people more money.

Counter examples (actual, real-life, counter-examples supported by data) would be interesting to read.

You can, of course, add the money received by those people who benefit from the minimum wage laws to the total money available to spend. However, businesses pass increased costs on to consumers, or go out of business.

Or they could, shock, horror, take less in profit.

In effect, people's net purchasing power goes down. Instead of helping the people you want to help, you end up hurting them.

Purchasing power isn't going down because labour is getting more expensive, it's going down because labour is steadily getting paid less and less because capital is taking more and more.

The only place the continual downward pressure on wages ends is a tiny proportion of wealthy people who own everything and a huge proportion of people of subsistence incomes. When hardly anyone has any disposable income, where do you think economic activity is going to happen ?

Thus, merely "increasing" economic activity is not a valid goal: to be beneficial to society the economic activity has to be healthy activity, not the production of shoddy products. This can only be the case if we don't cause a net reduction in people's buying power (which is what minimum wage laws tend to do).

Again, evidence to support this claim would be useful.

In reality, countries with higher incomes at the lower-end, rather than the rock-bottom incomes you are advocating, are the countries that have the higher quality goods you are insisting they will not.

No this is done by welfare laws (of which there are a plethora).

No, welfare is there as a safety net for people who are unable to work. Since neoliberalism took over the western world and maintaining a certain level of unemployment became a policy goal (to reduce worker bargaining power and suppress their wages), it has become a necessity for millions of people ready, able and willing to work but who cannot find anyone to work for.

What you are talking about is a universal basic income, which would need to be set at a similar level to minimum wage to meet that objective.

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