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Comment Re:It would be so great... (Score 1) 544

. If you took another picture at that point you would be trespassing and and since that is an indictable offence they could actually arrest you at that point and hold you for the police.

This is not the case in Scotland, where the events took place. There, trespass is not an indictable offence (it's a civil delict), and, even if it were, the rights of non-police to detain people is very limited, especially if force is required.

Comment Re:Erosion of the Commons (Score 1) 544

(Ignoring the England/Scotland confusion...)

It's also highly unlikely that such ah onerous contract term (camera confiscation) would be binding, unless the conditions were very prominently displayed (Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd). And I can tell you that they are not - I've been to the Braehead mall many times (I used to work nearby), and such signs, if they exist, are not prominent.

Comment Re:It's a crime to attempt a crime, or incite othe (Score 1) 400

In English law, mere planning isn't illegal; it becomes illegal as soon as you take steps to implement the plan, however small the steps. Like, say, setting up a FaceBook page...

And your bomb exercise is irrelevant; that's planning an exercise, not a bombing. It's not the action that matters, but the intent.

Comment Re:Is the UK an option? (Score 1) 913

True for England and Wales, but not for Scotland; Scottish universities (where number of the founders of the Ivy League schools were educated) generally require non-core subjects to be studied. Although if you're doing CS they will likely be sciences like physics, chemistry, maths, etc, rather than English or history (unless you choose to do them).

Comment Re:Good luck. You'll need it. (Score 1) 913

Since you haven't got a degree just how do you know it comes with "railcar loads of bullshit"? Sounds to me that you are simply trying to justify your choice. Which doesn't really need justified beyond being your choice

And, to the original questioner: go to an English university. They (mostly) don't believe in broad education, and if you so a BSc in CS there, that's pretty much all you will do.

Comment Re:4 years to build? (Score 2) 97

Actually, EDSAC was originally built pretty quickly for the time (about 2 years) precisely because Wilkes, the project leader, decided to use only proven techniques and methods so as to supply a usable computing facility to Cambridge University, rather than extend the state of the art.

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