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Comment Re:apparently we have to have a subject line (Score 1) 696

I don't think they do this to resolve debt, but because due to inflation, they would otherwise end up paying $20,000 for a soda, which would be something very impractical to do even with $100 bills. At some point they have to convert their currency to something manageable again and as far as I know, the debt is also converted.
Wireless Networking

60GHz Uber-WiFi Proposed By New WiGig Group 127

judgecorp writes "A new vendor group has promised a Gigabit wireless specification by the end of this year. The Wireless Gigabit (WiGig) spec is apparently 80 percent done and, since it is aimed at high-definition TV, it has to go at more than 3Gbps. There's around 7GHz of spectrum freely available in the 60GHz band, so it's technically feasible, and with all the major Wi-Fi silicon vendors on board (as well as Microsoft, Dell, Nokia and others) WiGig looks to have the political muscle too. They should be aware of the Sibeam-led WirelessHD group, though, already in the 60GHz space, and Ultrawideband (UWB) is not dead, as there are actual, real UWB products."

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