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Comment Re:In related news (Score 1) 247

If you can't cash something in without crashing it's value it's not a good asset. Regardless of left pocket/right pocket issues. It's about maintaining diversified holdings for risk management.

If an insurance company tried to fund one of their annuity's reserves with company bonds they would slap the cuffs on them. Same should happen to everybody involved with SS.

Anybody with money in US bonds should be aware there is no functioning market for those bonds. The fed buys all excess at low interest rates. There is no market clearing price or interest for US debt. The market is rigged at best, a completely broken charade at worst. No prudent fund manager keeps more in US bonds then the US government requires.

Ponzi scheme is an accurate assessment.

Comment Re:In related news (Score 1) 247

Pretending that a huge block of bonds are an asset is standard answer from the 'SS is healthy liars brigade.'

IIRC Productive midwest farmland bounced between 1k$/acre and 2K$ for decades. Last I looked it was $4K. Farmland isn't the same as residential land. Farmland is valued at present value of future earnings, just like any other productive asset. Future earnings is always a guess. Current investors have inflation expectations.

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