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Comment Re:VLC (Score 1) 210

That's just what a shill would say!

But yeah, seriously, drives me nuts. Microsoft releases an OS showing their lack of understanding of their userbase then proceeds to insinuate itself deeply into said userbase in an effort to manipulate it? Seems like if you were going to sink millions of dollars into that kind of subtle and pervasive marketing you could just put it into subtle and pervasive market research instead and not release a nuclear turd interface.

Comment Re:Mixed Message from the Creators (Score 1) 75

> Notch didnt make the movie, nor is Notch distributing the movie, and in all likelihood Notch doesnt even endorse the movie.

You were right until the third one. I don't know for sure if he endorses the finished product, but he let a camera crew follow him around repeatedly, so he at least endorsed it during filming.

Comment THQ? Thanks for the warning! (Score 0) 553

Well, if they were going to start with DRMed Windows only games, the AAA name in the title served as ample warning. I used to just look at the games without checking the sysreqs because DRM-free was a given. But as soon as I saw the AAA name on this one, I got suspicious and for the first time in a while, looked closer.

Thanks THQ, because of you I'll keep a closer eye on the Humble Bundles from now on so I don't get burned by some indie dev who thinks DRM is a good idea!

Not gonna BUY the darn thing, of course, but thanks!

Comment Guilt alleviation & non-game gaming Kickstarte (Score 2) 97

Seeing as three of the four video game Kickstarters I gave money to were small amounts ($10-$20) mostly to assuage my guilt for pirating from the devs as a kid, I'm not entirely heartbroken if I don't see anything from them. The fourth was mostly because it looked awesome and they had a playable demo that convinced me to part with bigger chunk of change just because they looked like they could actually deliver, and I'm enjoying playing it right now (Project Giana).

So so far, no regrets on the game front.

Gaming in general, though, is different. I'll never give a damn cent to anything 2 Player Productions does again because we're STILL WAITING FOR THAT MINECRAFT DOCUMENTARY. Nor the guys from Extra Credits because seriously, guys? All I have to show for it is a sycophantic youtube video, a fuckton of Internet Drama over money that never saw a resolution from either side, and someone trying to sell me life insurance.

Comment Re:Why the hate? (Score 1) 83

Why so much hate for this game?

If it had been a new series I doubt anyone would have cared half as much. (Do you think they'll still be making Rage jokes in 10 years?) But Doom as a series was about fast gameplay, running and gunning, falling back to cleared areas (and sometimes meeting a toothy surprise), getting the hordes to fight amongst themselves. But apparently somewhere along the way they decided to make System Shock 3: SHODAN Goes to Hell instead. Some innovation was needed to the old series, but retooling it into a bad copy of another series isn't innovation, it's slapping an IP onto the wrong game.

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