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Comment Re:Explained by a Simple Formula (Score 1) 944

I could value something at $1000, but if it only really benefits me $500.

There is no such thing. Benefits are not directly quantifiable in such a way that you think it gives you $1000 but it actually gives you $500..if you value something at $1000, its value and benefit to you is $1000; there is no "objective" value to anything.

Comment Re:The whole concept is stupid (Score 0, Troll) 283

This is actually the exact opposite of socialism. Microsoft has an essentially monopolistic position in the market (partly because of network externalities) and exploits it, creating a shitload of negative externalities. All these regulators want to do is correct those externalities, returning the market close to its "efficient" state. This is free market capitalism at work, baby! Of course the way in which they are doing it is ridiculous, but this is the EU after all..it's a miracle they managed to to SOMETHING.

Comment Re:Stupid idea (Score 1) 80

There are ways around that, though. You can still show a reaction to input locally, even if the other players have not received that input yet. With OnLive-like services, everything is on another machine so you can't do any tricks to "hide" the latency.

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