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Comment Re:So what? they can be tapped to. (Score 4, Funny) 244

My father used to work for the NSA as a cryptologic studies teacher and told me stories about how back in the 70s they had tech that could read back what was being typed simply by listening to the pattern of the clicks the type writer was making.

Perhaps you can ask your father what this man was typing:

Comment Please explain (Score 1) 202

Consider the time axis, from minus infinity to plus infinity.
Somewhere along this axis the universe comes into existence.
Call this point t0.

Now why is t0 exactly t0? Shouldn't there be another universe, exactly equal to this one, with time t1 (!= t0).

Now even if time is created as part of a "big bang", there should be a "meta-time" for which this holds.

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