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Journal Journal: WTF? Autoplaying video ads with sound? 2

Slashdot used to be a safe site to visit, it never made noise when you didn't want it to, making it the go-to site for quiet, in-office news aggregation.

Not anymore. I just had to mute my laptop due to a slashdot auto-playing video advert.

Comment The almost poetic irony... (Score 2) 332

Speaking of nuclear, Nixon actually killed off the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment and fired Oak Ridge Laboratory lead Alvin Weinberg because he was advocating ditching the liquid metal fast breeder reactor in favor of the much safer molten salt reactors. Nixon did this to promote building Light Water Reactors in California and protect jobs there rather than delaying them for a new technology to be developed. The ABSOLUTE KICKER is that Weinberg also wanted molten salt reactors because their high heat can be used for desalination (and their ability to scale to small sizes would make them ideal for developing countries that needed desalination as well as some electricity).

Comment Re:I think we just need to get burned. (Score 2) 332

I can count Bush's environmental policies on two fingers - banning of incandescent light bulbs (which, honestly, was going to happen eventually) and banning CFC asthma inhalers to support the Montreal Treaty, even though those were one of the tiniest contributors to ozone depletion and seriously impacted asthmatics (for one, it was the only over the counter asthma remedy, for two, the replacement, HFA inhalers, were patented, prescription only, and were only tested on healthy adults in the FDA's "fast track" program, which is the same thing they do to test GMOs, and 3/4 of the manufacturers used an allergen, alcohol, as part of the propellant, so that went over poorly...).

If there's one president I wish had failed to get into office, it's Bush, though Obama has cut it close a few times (both of them have TERRIBLE financial policy, IMO - defund Obamacare? Only the assistance to the poor was unfunded - Bush's Medicare D wasn't funded AT ALL)...

Comment Re:More proof religion is another arm of... (Score 1) 39

Subsidiarity is written into Canon Law. The higher you go, the less power you HAVE. The lay person has more power over the domain of his house (or even her house) than the parish priest has over his parish, the parish priest has more power over his congregation than the Bishop has over all the priests combined, Archbishops have even less power over their subject Bishops, and are practically autonomous from the Vatican itself. The Least Competent Authority is a real concept in the Roman Catholic Church- and holds sway.

Comment Re:cooperative effort by the Church and the State (Score 1) 39

When faced with an army, I am very much against the concept of self defense. Cooperation is far more prudent.

The difference between a honest upstanding citizen who happens to be black, and the victim of a cop up on charges for murder, is how they react when faced with a gun. Those who choose fight or flight over cooperation in a police state, end up dead.

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