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Comment Re:not like megacorps don't control OSS already (Score 4, Insightful) 54

It's not a complete myth, they still exist but, IMHO, they mostly focus on developing the new, exciting, risky and often hopeless ideas.
I'm perfectly happy with corporations focussing on stability, testing, documentation and all the other stuff that goes into actually finishing a project.

Comment Re:Request fastlane for games (Score 4, Insightful) 243

Why would you request a fastlane for Netflix? As you can just buffer the video. If it's not fast enough you need a better internet connection.

Current internet connections are fast enough, future ones may not be.
Video file size will continue to increase. Connection bandwidth will not increase if ISP's can earn money from not increasing it.

For fast paced multiplayer games you would request a fast lane, or any multiplayer game really.

For games you mostly need low latency, not necessarily high bandwidth (which is what the fast lanes are about).

But what connections can be fastlaned? If Netflix or Valve have to negotiate for users to have fastlanes, then it will still cause the same problems.

That basically sums up the entire problem. Content providers will all pay extra for the fast lanes, as a result all content providers' traffic will be equally fast.
Internet will be just as fast as it would be with true net neutrality but ISP are raking in a lot of money for doing effectively nothing.

Comment Re:Will continue to be developed for other platfor (Score 1) 330

a mistaken belief that their consoles' APIs have massive amounts of valuable trade secrets in them (they don't)

I seriously doubt they're that stupid.
MS is probably one of the first to get "access" to a competitors' SDK/API and vice versa and those companies will be damn well aware of this.

Comment Re:I do not understand (Score 2) 53

Why would it be a raffle or some other semi-sleazy subject?

Asking for a username and email is standard practice for pretty much any kind of website signup.

If I were into gaming enough to watch somebody else play a specific game on Twitch and somebody posted a link to a legit-looking site claiming to provide me a valuable service for that specific game, I might well be fooled.

Comment 99.9% accuracy (Score 1) 600

accuracy at detecting fingerprints is 99.9%

Which means what exactly?
Does that mean it correctly recognizes 99.9% of valid fingerprints (with lots of false positives)?
Does it mean it correctly does not recognize 99.9% of invalid fingerprints (with lots of false negatives)?
99.9% accuracy with fingerprint recognition technology is an extraordinary claim.

Comment Re:And KDevelope is what exactly? (Score 1) 48

I generally agree with the statement that a lot of open source projects do very little to inform website visitors of what the project actually does.
In this particular case, the page tells only generically what KDevelop is.
Most current IDE's would fit the same generic description.
The front-page doesn't indicate how KDevelop is different from the other IDE's or why one would want to use KDevelop instead of another IDE.

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