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Comment Re:Read the court order here, all 4 pages of it (Score 2) 609

And even more amusing is that most people realize that the republicans and democrats are basically the same when it comes to power and control. Only the details change. Yet many will still laugh at the libertarians or the independents. The herd mentality is to strong and I see no hope of the masses voting for anything other than what they know.

Comment Re:Or (Score 5, Interesting) 273

The vaccine debate is a religious one on both sides and your statement is evidence of that. The data suggesting that vaccines are working is overwhelming and trying to deny that they have worked is ridiculous. There is also risk to vaccines and they can cause harm and trying to deny that is ridiculous. The bigger question is whether or not over use of vaccines is creating a similar problem as the overuse of antibiotics. And in the process are we actually reducing our ability to adapt as a species to environmental pressure and stress.

Comment History and logic (Score 1) 851

If the reasoning for her getting the flu shot is that she will present less risk to her patients then why not have her wear a full body condom? The argument of "protect the patients" is eerily reminiscent of "protect the children". I'm sure the substances in flu vaccinations are just as harmless as so many other substances deemed "safe" for use such as DDT, etc.. It's not like big corporations have influence in government decisions, heavens no!

Comment Re:The argument is miscast. (Score 4, Insightful) 807

Ron Paul is a joke and yes he probably would keep to the constitutional limits, the problem is that he would more or less abolish not just the bad aspects, but the good ones and would in all likelihood shrink the government far more than what is required to bring things back into control.

Translation: Yes, I believe in the constitution of the united states and I will follow its principles unless there is something I want from the government tit that it does not authorise. Then, I will quickly ignore the constitution and ridicule it as out of touch. Because I KNOW BETTER DAMN IT!

Comment Re:Yet Another (Score 4, Informative) 132

Mojolicious is a complete HTTP 1.1 stack. No mod_perl required. It has its own built in webserver, hypnotoad which can be used in production. You can install Mojolicous with a single curl command

sudo sh -c "curl -L cpanmin.us | perl - Mojolicious"

And three lines can make a complete "hello world" application....

use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => {text => 'Hello World!'};

Part of what make Mojolicous so powerful is Perl's syntax and expressiveness. I know it's hip to beat up on Perl these days, but perl is still way ahead of most languages in its ability to be expressive. The author of Mojolicous is a really good programmer and insanely picky about well structured code, consistency and test driven development. Hence, the framework is very easy to use and understand. This framework is definitely worth a look.

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