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Comment Re:A lot of apps use SSL (Score 1) 141

Good answer. To be fair to the parent post, the certificate authorities *do* have some work to do in cleaning their own houses. Stolen or compromised certificates do exist, and while we can revoke the ones we know about, there's the ones we don't know about, and there's the clients that don't handle revocation properly. It's not clear that the CA houses are doing their jobs well enough.

Comment Re:A lot of apps use SSL (Score 1) 141

That's not wrong, but it still doesn't explain to me why I, as a user, should trust both application A and site B that have agreed to trust each other with a self-signed certificate. The reason was have the CA model is to introduce a trusted third-party* that can verify for us that everything is on the up-and-up. The user should not be in the position of having to trust unknown parties.

*Yes I know the CA companies have problems. Maybe the model is so broken by nature that it doesn't matter, but it's still true that the self-signed model bypasses it.

Comment Re:A lot of apps use SSL (Score 1) 141

it does not delegate trust to some 3rd party that might screw up and cause things to have be changed, or risk compromise

Instead, the company that issues the self-signed certificate is to be trusted not to screw up? "Just take our certificate, it's fine, trust us".

If Alice and Bob trust each other, this is OK, but what if Bob is bumbling idiot? What about when Alice and Bob, who trust each other, tell Mallory to trust them to trust each other, and Carol mistakenly trusts Mallory?

Comment Re:User Confidence (Score 1) 141

I would not use $RANDOM_SHOPPING_BANKING_APP, but I would visit a bank website using chrome, firefox, or the built-in android browsers. Those three programs, while undoubtedly not flawless, at least have enough respectability and history for me to trust them as well as anything on the internet. Admittedly, that's not much trust, but it's something.

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