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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 49 declined, 48 accepted (97 total, 49.48% accepted)


Submission + - The lack of attention in the informational world

Artem Tashkinov writes: Maggie Jackson wrote a book in which she is proving that "compared to past generations, we are in fact less capable of quality analytical thinking, more ignorant about many issues, and more fragmented as a community." As a a result of infinite and distracting flow of information coming from the Internet, mail, TV and and medias "it becomes nearly impossible to utilize our capacity for sustained attention, and the implications are felt in business, the home, and society at large."

Jackson notes that the average worker switches tasks every three minutes and once interrupted takes nearly half an hour to go back to the original task. Families and friends find it increasingly difficult to meet face-to-face and even more difficult to do so without interruption or willful multitasking. News segments bombard us with superficially simple pieces of information. We have essentially been ushered into a world of constant distraction in which reflective thinking and undivided attention (single-tasking) has become exceedingly rare.
However she says that there is a remedy.

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