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Comment Re:Excel doesn't even do CSV correctly... (Score 1) 467

I believe proper quoting will fix that problem. All CSV files I've seen exported from OOo seem to quote automatically, but not sure about Excel. Try:
"Smith","Joe","E","121 Mockingbird Lane","Metropolis","BS","(330)555-1212","0023456789"

Normal numbers naturally don't need quoting. You can even embed quotes in fields by doubling them up:
Which is the number 123, followed by 5'2" as in 5 feet 2 inches, and Height.

Yes, the quotes are correct.

Comment Vim as an External Editor (Score 1) 193

I use Vim with a large variety of small speciality IDEs and find that most IDEs properly detect changes made outside them and reload the file. While I am running a debugger, I am not modifying code and use the built-in debugger interface. When I need to make a change, I just hit Alt-Tab, modify the file and save, and hit Alt-Tab and the files reloaded in the IDE.

Comment Re:Compatibility (Score 1) 252

My greatest annoyance with Live Search is that the scroll wheel zooms in on the center of the map and not where my mouse cursor is as Google Maps does. This make moving around and finding places by satellite view very difficult with Live Search.

On that note, Live search did seem to have slightly higher detail in satellite imagery, in particular, around MS headquarters.

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