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Comment Re:Painted target (Score 1) 127

This says you are wrong. You are probably making the mistake of confusing Marxist Communism (USSR form of Communism) with Chinese communism, which used to be a sore spot between those 2 nations. Perhaps confused with their use of "Republic" in the name of their nation, I don't know.

I'll also disagree with your 2nd point, because the type of government has little to do with the type of government. It has more to do with both expansion and level of freedom.

Comment Re:This! (Score 1) 280

Generalizations are always dangerous. If I'm modding I may respond to a post anonymously, or lose my mod points. Not always, I try to stay neutral in posts I'm modding.. but that sounds much easier than it is.

In other words, I agree with you most of the time but do see good AC posts (and occasionally mod them up for visibility).

Comment Re:Painted target (Score 1) 127

And what evidence do we have the globalization helps anybody except corporations who fuck the rest of us over in the process?

There is no such evidence, and I did not intend to imply that I agreed with the politics at hand. I was merely pointing out that this _IS_ the politics at hand.

I don't agree that Globalization is a crock, the problem is with it's implementation. For example: There is a huge problem with wealth disparity (globally), much worse than the issues we see in the US/West. If we are going to make a global republic system, precursors and checks have to be put in place first. People with money instead are jumping to the end game, because _they_ get more profits.

This is a much longer discussion and debate than I'm willing to have on Slashdot, my example above was simple and intended only to demonstrate that the problem is not due to the world, but rather a few people in the world.

Comment Re:Painted target (Score 1, Insightful) 127

I know the article says that these companies can't afford to ignore china, but really, if they all got together and said no, could china really afford that? They could always make their own banking software I suppose. Why don't we let them?

Because globalization is the directive, and you can't think this way and be a globalist.

I'm with you, in a free market that is how it should be. China does not have to use banking software developed in the US, they can develop their own. Amaze us with the success of your communism and it's ability to generate educated and innovative people. China used to be very innovative, but more recently they can only copy (aka steal) other people's innovations.

And don't worry, the US is heading down the same path with our system being corrupted. We still have pockets of innovation, but nothing like we had from the late 40s to early 70s.

Comment Wow, just wow (Score 1) 265

Go read up on how many other species rely on the Mosquito for survival. Larvae is a source of food for fish, countless other insects eat adults. They all have a place in the food chain and extinction would be devastating.

As with killer bees, yes things can go seriously wrong when trying to 'help' nature do it's job.

Comment Re:whose payroll is the scientist on? It matters (Score 1, Troll) 514

... whose jobs are dependant on a federal grant getting renewed.

A recent GAO report said that $106 BILLION was spent by the US government through 2010 on global warming research. If you figure that was through the end of 2010, that was still 4 years ago, so the number is now much larger.

That number absolutely dwarfs even the imagined amount of money that fossil fuel companies have been accused of spending in campaigns against "climate change". I mean it's easily more than 2 orders of magnitude larger.

Even scientists are human, and they are smart enough to know which side of their bread the butter is on.

Comment Re:why google keeps microsoft away (Score 1) 280

I'm not sure what OS and version of Chrome you are running, but mine never crashes (though I use Opera and Firefox primarily). In fact I work for a pretty large company who uses Google apps for just about everything. While I miss Visio (Google Drawings is like "dia" and very primitive) everything else works just fine.. no crashes, no memory hogging, etc..

The reason I don't use Chrome is because I don't trust Google, and in most companies I have freedom to choose my web browser.. where the office type applications are not nearly as flexible in Corporate world.

Comment This! (Score 2) 280

And as for Microsoft's whining about not having access to the OS layer of Android to run it's applications, I suggest they learn what the application layer is and learn to live in it. Having access to every layer of the OS today is why they are still insecure after well over a decade of security people telling them to fix their stuff.

Comment Re:Still not good enough. (Score 1) 430

The history of Germany, France, England, Spain, Russia, Cambodia, China, Korea, Rome, Athens, Egypt, and that list could go on and on. In other words, it's not possible to provide a citation for basically the complete history of the world since the advent of Governments.

Surely we could nitpick about all of the various problems Governments have caused, but that big government leads to the ends of societies is not questionable with even a cursory understanding of History.

Oh, and before you try it.. Revolts that lead in restructuring a government (and beheading of old rulers) that retain the name does not imply that those governments are still the same.

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