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Comment Re:Families come first (Score 1) 370

maybe you should have just not married at all, or reproduced since your kid will most likely be a sarcastic drain on life that you seem to be, not to mention unable to relate to you or your new trophy wife, as you will have a 30yr age gap... enjoy that chip on your shoulder now because soon you will be dead and your life's pursuits wasted away by your child.

and maybe update your profile since your website says

Shachar Shemesh
FORMER CEO of Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.


Girls Take All In $50 Million Google Learn-to-Code Initiative 548

theodp writes: On Thursday, Google announced a $50 million initiative to inspire girls to code called Made with Code. As part of the initiative, Google said it will also be "rewarding teachers who support girls who take CS courses on Codecademy or Khan Academy." The rewards are similar to earlier coding and STEM programs run by Code.org and Google that offered lower funding or no funding at all to teachers if participation by female students was deemed unacceptable to the sponsoring organizations. The announcement is all the more intriguing in light of a Google job posting seeking a K-12 Computer Science Education Outreach Program Manager to "work closely with external leaders and company executives to influence activities that drive toward collaborative efforts to achieve major 'moonshots' in education on a global scale." Perhaps towards that end, Google recently hired the Executive Director of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), who was coincidentally also a Code.org Advisory Board member. And Code.org — itself a Made With Code grantee — recently managed to lure away the ACM's Director of Public Policy to be its COO. So, are these kinds of private-public K-12 CS education initiatives (and associated NSF studies) a good idea? Some of the nation's leading CS educators sure seem to think so (video).

Comment Re:As Jim Morrison said... (Score 1) 1198

" I usually only get my guff up a few times a year. It sucks but that is my life and I am to blame for my problems. My only recourse is to work harder at making myself try harder."

You should look at it as a hard problem to solve... i found that when faced with something to figure out and eventually able to solve, problems become fascinating to me, and i think this in general is true for all "geeks".

So when it came to girls i did the same thing.. tried over and over, noting my mistakes and improving on them, to the point where i figured out "charming" and when i want to turn it on, comes quite easily to me... this was very satisfying when i finally figured it out and can be one of the most challenging problems "geeks" have to tackle, 3 phase brushless motors are quite easy by comparison...

so get up your guff, debug your last date and compile the next one until you get your program running so efficiently it spawns it's own code ;)

Comment Re:Ashamed! (Score 1) 265

So im going to throw away my mod point on this point but oh well, i can't believe someone thinks this so i want to get some clarification...

"Just because one set of criminals gets off easier than they should, it does not follow that all other criminals should be treated leniently."

If two groups of "criminals" is judged and sentenced according to the damage and harm they have done, and one of them does less harm/damage that the other, it does not follow that the one who did less harm should have a lesser sentence?


justice equals = all criminals should be punished harshly no matter what the severity of the crime, as long as the% of criminals who receive less harsh punishment is relatively low?


Justice = punishment that is mitigated by influence, money, collusion and corruption.

i'm having a hard time following any of these "logical?" conclusions of your reasoning...

Comment Re:Maybe not extinction... (Score 1) 608

" we're not worthy of another planet to live on until we clean up our collective act and start acting like the responsible, thinking beings that we keep telling ourselves that we are."

hmm, it seems you are unfamiliar with how natural selection works nor the human race, as these are both the principles that are used when discussing the topic you are posting in, maybe you should reflect on this... the point of the "great filter" discussion is not whether a species "deserves" (a highly malleable term as it is dependent on the moral observations of the user) to colonize the known universe, but why it hasn't if there is abundant life. this question has nothing to do with "deserve" and all to do with ability.

Comment Re:That is why social Hacking is Bad MmmKaa. (Score 1) 329

"because who would attack the network of a HOSPITAL for CHILDREN in Boston?"

yah who would want the names, dates, SSN #s, and all related medical data of patients?!? crazy to think anyone would.. oh wait.

and then of course there are the hippa laws which mandate patient data security... hmm

Comment Re:I kind of welcome the attention (Score 1) 173

" After all, if you are talking to a cop, you are a criminal, they just might not have proven it yet."

if you look at any city's municipal and criminal code you'll quickly see that in fact there are so many laws covering so many different things, that at any time and place we are all guilty of violating one law or another.

Comment Re:How much more is wasted by advertising (Score 2) 200

"I'm too young to remember this from firsthand experience -- but initially wasn't cable tv ad free?"

yes it was, except for the network stations that came over cable, but then ads appeared there too in the auspice of "defraying the overall bill for cable" even though the cable rates keep getting higher while the channels you got decreased. then they added crappy channels to keep the "packages" the same size but still decrease the actual content you wanted. I have direct TV and about 30% of the channels that come with my "package" are infomercial channels with no actual programming other than commercials.

i dread the day they can read or broadcast to our minds because you won't get a moment's peace except for "THIS MOMENT OF PEACE BROUGHT TO YOU BY SNACKY CAKES!!!, ENJOY SNACKY CAKES............I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT MOMENT OF PEACE BROUGHT TO YOU BY SNACKY CAKES!!!"

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