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Comment Re:Young women don't need makeup.... (Score 1) 383

This. I've spent my entire post-pubescent life telling girls this. Invariably they give me a quick grin like "aww, the geeky kid just gave me a clumsy compliment!" and then resume slathering on the glop on their faces. Of course then I hear "aghh, the universe hates me I keep getting pimples!" No, YOU hate YOU. Let your skin breathe damnit.

Comment Re:Said it before and I'll say it again ... (Score 1) 282

I won't read content on sites where every 5th word is an advertisement link to something totally irrelevant. It makes me think its a wiki or something. If I'm on your site and I click a link in the middle of a sentence of content and it doesn't take me to something sane, your whole site just got put on my shitlist in my hosts file.

Comment Re:Lightning as a power source? (Score 1) 199

My understanding is that with current technology one would have to expend more energy manufacturing the capacitors and such than would be collected over the life of the system. Not to mention that if something went wrong the failure mode for an extremely overloaded capacitor is a large explosion. Not something you want happening in a dense population center.

Comment Re:This was a good thing (Score 4, Interesting) 803

I'm really getting tired of all these "ZOMG, Poop!" comments. The protesters tried to bring in porta-potties but were denied. If you want to bitch at anybody about the terrible health conditions, bitch at the city for not allowing the protesters to provide the sensible sanitation arrangements that they tried to.

Comment Re:Doesn't seem to work (Score 2) 193

In the 90's perhaps. ... Possibly they might "find" some drugs on you too.

This has been probably been going on since drugs were first made illegal, and has definitely been happening all over the country since the 70's when funding became tied to drug arrests.

Comment Re:A bit short sighted (Score 1) 218

His patent application was eventually denied on the basis that it was "wholly theoretical, everything being based upon calculation and nothing upon trial or demonstration."

If only the patent office still thought this way, maybe we could do something about the patent trolls (at least the ones who generate their own patents, the ones who buy others patents already granted wouldn't be affected).

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