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Comment Re:Controlled by IT managers (Score 1) 120

my friend uses an ipad for her job and its critical. she is an insurance assessor. goes all over the city and uses the tablet to record things. in this situation:
phone size = too small
laptop = too clumsy.
thats just one example of a tablet computer in its element. another is for students. i'd much rather have a device that doesnt take up screw all room in my back pack than a netbook. you need something with an ARM cpu that can suspend/resume instantly, weighs next to nothing, and is wide enough to be like a sheet of paper. hell, if used with a stylus it would be perfect.

Comment Re:Why use a new tech? (Score 1) 186

good point. bluetooth sends out RF signals and is close range. and doesnt suffer any interference from audible stuff. although to be honest i would prefer contact payment.
whats hard about touching ya phone on something? like a spot that you touch onto the store owner's box.
and before ya say 'hacking through the i/o port' you're still sending data with RF so its no different. Just cant be eavesdropped.

Comment Re:Hack the signal (Score 1) 186

haha! +5 i met that guy. michael winslow. he's a top guy. he wouldnt tell me how he does jimi hendrix's guitar tho :P i did see him perform it live however. most amazing thing youve ever seen. he also did an entire 5min scene of starwars with the video on a projector while he did all the sounds himself.

Comment Dont the DACs only output sound up to 20KHz? (Score 1) 186

It will be cool hearing a little 'DoodleyBIP!' sound when ya buy things!!!!

But seriously. For this to be an advantage it would have to run as an application requiring no hardware changes, and would be subject to the same restrictions.
Like say - a limited range of frequencies (about 50Hz up to 18Khz to be conservative). Humans can hear all of that, and its even dangerous to be too loud at high frequencies.

Comment Re:1Password FTW (Score 1) 615

except every finger printer scanner known to man-kind can be fooled using everyday kitchen objects. wear a glove and shake someone's hand. put superglue vapour onto the glove. peel off. you have a print. not warm or moist? easy. lick it and put it over your finger. even the smartest ones which read your pulse, moisture and geometry will be fooled by that. fingerprints == next to useless.

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