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Comment Re:Theory of which evolution is a fact? (Score 1) 658

Of course a dog wouldn't directly turn into a horse, we would expect it to gradually change:

For an example, its feet would turn into hooves over a period of time, and we would also expect to find fossils of this change at various stages.

This brings up a point that Darwin mentioned: there is a distinct lack of fossils at these intermediary stages.

Speciation is one thing, but changing form completely (e.g. flippers turning into legs) in order to produce a different kind of creature is only speculated.

The speciation that is factual is merely a change of shape, behaviour, colour, etc. Darwins Finches have different beak shapes, but they are all still finches. Insects remain insects, even though they may completely change appearance.

There is no evidence in the world today which can prove that all land creatures evolved from fish. There is no evidence supporting the theory that one kind of creature can evolve into another (e.g. mammals evolving into birds).

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