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Comment Re:Culturally Relevant == Irrelevant to CS (Score 1) 612

This is totally bullshit and it's being done for bullshit political reasons. Nothing good comes from the politicization of science and yet the politicians cannot resist making a political issue of the lack of "diversity" in CS education. In my own CS experience nobody gave a shit about whether you were black, white, asian or latino and yes we had all of those races represented in the program. What mattered was whether or not you could hack it and continue advancing through the curriculum. The grades were always on a curve and the competition was intense. If you weren't smart enough or fast enough you washed out. In CS, as in other sciences, people respect knowledge, ability and intelligence, not the color of your skin or your cultural background. If you wanted to major in foo-fa the Humanities department was on the other side of campus.

The class you've described doesn't sound particularly healthy -- a culture of competition rather than cooperation ("the competition was intense. If you weren't smart enough or fast enough you washed out") and where grading is not based on whether you're objectively able but just whether you're better than each other ("The grades were always on a curve"). While those might be good for motivating a subset of somewhat ego-driven highly competitive students -- such as perhaps yourself, and also me when I was a student -- they're actually counter to what we're trying to teach. Computing is inherently collaborative, so heavily prioritising competition over cooperation when we teach it is probably quite damaging, and there is no good reason (that I've seen) for a competent course to grade on a curve. As I see it, your grade should not be higher just because you were in a poor cohort with uncompetitive fellows (the curve pushing you up), nor lower because you were in a cohort of very able students (the curve pushing you down) -- your grade purports to be a straightforward and objective assessment of your understanding and performance in the subject, so that is probably what it should be. If, as you've suggested, your whole CS program was a grade-curved culture of relentless competition, then educationally and culturally, that's actually probably not a good thing. Even though you and I might have done very well out of courses like that.

Comment Re:Classic bad science reporting (Score 1) 245

Here's nearly every newspaper article about science ever: "Until recently, scientists believed in $obviously_false_idea, but a recent study shows that..."

The idea that cooperation has been selected for by evolution to some extent is obviously correct, because otherwise we wouldn't have social species that can't survive without cooperation. It's also nothing new, it's one of the central themes of The Selfish Gene that everyone who feigns an interest in science pretends to have read.

I haven't read TFA, but I imagine the study was probably about some detail of how cooperation is selected for.

I have read TFA, and the paper isn't much like the news article at all -- or like the second part of the paper's title. The result is not a general result of "cooperation beating selfishness" -- indeed the algorithms they tested were out-survived by selfishness as well as being out-survived by cooperation. It's a mathematical paper, with a set of simulations, showing that a peculiar set of recently discovered stochastic strategies (ZD strategies) that have a curious mathematical property aren't evolutionarily stable after all. In the paper, ZD strategies are shown to be out-survived in a game of "prisoner's dilemma" both by selfish strategies and by (theoretically weaker) cooperative strategies.

But "this curious class of stochastic strategies you'd never heard of anyway turn out not to be stable in large scale multi-agent computer simulations of the prisoners' dilemma" makes for a rather less gripping headline.

The headline (and end of the paper's title) are spun from the fact that these quirky ZD strategies fail because they fare especially poorly in match ups against themselves in a population. But that is not a general claim that cooperation beat selfishness.

Comment Re:Good to see (Score 1) 274

Yes, obviously, one company should own a trademark on any product containing the work "Sky" in it.

Trademarks are limited to particular goods and services, but for the Sky trademark this includes "computer aided transmission of messages and images", "home computing services", "computer programs", etc. As BSkyB are also a broadband ISP in the UK, it seems reasonable that they've registered the mark to include those goods and services.

Comment Re:The best will rise to the top (Score 1) 102

I've been "tasting" the various online courses for the last 15 months or so: started with Dr. Thrun's online AI course, have contacts with people at edX, have taken or viewed courses from a half-dozen entities.

One salient aspect of all of the MOOCs is their overall poor quality.

While it's true most early MOOC courses are a bit limited in interaction, pedagogy, assessment, etc, they have already had an interesting effect on universities.

I've been working on smart teaching tech on and off for nearly 10 years, including on an older project by some of the people behind edX at MIT. More recently I've been looking to bring online into the lecture theatre. For most of the time I've worked on teaching technology, I've often heard the reaction that's all well and good but no-one really cares about teaching because academics are promoted on their research and teaching is just something we do to bring in the cash. (There's always been some academics and centres who are very interested in teaching innovation, but it's seemed to me like they've not had as much attention from the rest of academia as they should have.) In the last year or so that seems to have changed. There's a lot more attention been drawn to the idea that yes now is the time to make some changes to how teaching is viewed and done in universities.

Comment Re:I had the exact opposite experience (Score 1) 285

Actually different teachers around the world could put up their videos on the same topics.

And the students can go figure out which teachers they understand better.

Then teachers can spend more time on trying to teach the students who still have problems understanding stuff. Or figuring out if the students really understand stuff or even have mastered the topic.

Might take another 20-50 years before that'll happen.

I've been working on the tech for that for a while. (Plus in-class interactivity to incentivise using it.)

And I've just reached the point where I'm looking for some other teachers to help try it out. (Forgiving early-adopters to begin with, of course) Get in touch if you're interested!

Comment Re:OS X is THE superior OS (Score 1) 540

Native software will always have significant advantages over web apps. That being the case there's no reason to assume we'll ever do everything via the browser.

Universal thin clients is as old and unfullfilled a prediction as "The year of Linux on the desktop". And you think Microsoft's vision of the future adds any weight? Ha ha.

The browser itself is a barrier to webapps. In an in-browser app, as soon as you need to include third party content (which might be as simple as you're writing a twitter client and want to show the content of a tweeted URL), you have to deal with pages the browser refuses to load because of X-Frame-Options, REST API calls to, say, Dropbox, where that the browser refuses to return the data for the POST request to fetch the deltas because Dropbox hasn't set the CORS headers, etc. Security measures that are their to protect your app from others too, but it won't take you long to realise that if you instead have a native app with a WebKit pane for the third party content, a lot of the headaches the browser introduces go away.

(And of course as browsers auto-update a dozen or more times per year, and there are a few to support, a webapp is aiming at several uncontrolled moving targets)

Comment Re:So which field of engineering (Score 1) 1774

No, actually, creationists do *not* believe in a rational ordered universe.

I am a physicist. I don't know what all the laws of physics are, but I believe that there *are* some inviolate laws of physics which apply uniformly throughout all that is. So far as we can tell, this is true: spectral lines in distant stars are the same as they are here, to very high precision, indicating that atomic and nuclear physics are the same. Electrodynamics and such work the same way inside stars as it does in all conditions we've found on Earth.

I suppose you could be a creationist and believe in a deistic universe, where a god chose the laws of physics and then wound up his universe and let it go. But modern creationists do not believe this: they are overwhelmingly Christian, and believe in such things as a god that actively intervenes on this little planet by making virgins pregnant, people turn into pillars of salt -- in general, they believe in miracles, even small ones like altering the genetic makeup of a species. This is the very opposite of a rational ordered universe: all these things, all these miracles, are inherently disordered, since they entail violations of the laws of physics by an entity outside of them. "F=ma, except when god says otherwise" is not a sound basis for a rational theory of the universe.

They do not believe in a completely ordered and repeatable existence. That is, they do not make the (actually inherently risky) assumption that just because we've seen lots of things behave as if they are ordered and repeatable, all things must always be so.

Consider a man in a room who asks his colleague (outside) to bring in any cats he finds that are black so he can count them. If a cat isn't black, don't bring it in -- maybe it'll be black later or maybe it's black in some way I can't see yet, so we'll reserve judgment on it and not include it as any form of evidence either way. Naturally, the man in the room can only see an endless stream of black cats, and might (wrongly) be tempted to think that is ever-increasing evidence that all cats are black. Unfortunately, that is the position of a man who believes that because we've found more and more orderliness and repeatability in the universe, existence must all be orderly and repeatable.

Those who believe in any form of divine action (including but not limited to creationists) are actually rather more rational in their conclusion in this regard: "Wow, there's a lot of black cats, and we can probably find lots more, but I'm not going to insist they all must be". Separate sources of evidence then give them reason to believe that God is an example of something that is real but not mechanistically repeatable.

Interestingly, a lot of the early impetus for science -- the notion that the universe would be orderly at all -- came from the religiously-derived belief that it would be ordered because it would obey laws laid down by God for it. That derivation, of course, does not exclude divine action nor does it have your slightly obsessive "all or nothing -- either it's completely ordered always or otherwise it's a totally irrational model" mantra.

Funny anecode/aside, but "F=ma except when god says otherwise" is not only a rational model but is precisely what is modelled in almost every simulation -- almost every simulation I have seen or written has allowed its author to pause it, change a variable, and then set it going again.

Comment Re:Shit Editors (Score 5, Interesting) 311

The arguments against skeuomorphic design are that skeuomorphic interface elements use metaphors that are more difficult to operate and take up more screen space than standard interface elements; that this breaks operating system interface design standards

Personally I'd argue that skeuomorphic designs are almost certainly worse for usability, but that might be outweighed in marketing by their attractiveness / emotional connections with the product.

In UI design, it seems to me that one of the things you're trying to do is communicate relationships between the various controls, the things they manipulate, etc. And you have a two-dimensional non-tangible interface with which to communicate those relationships. (Even with touch, you're not actually "pressing a button" you're tapping on a coloured region of glass.) The trade-offs that optimise communication are almost certainly different than if you have a tangible three dimensional interface (eg, a physical tape recorder, instead of an audio memo app). In a skeuomorphic app, you do not have the physical haptic pliability of the button to your thumb, just a slightly wobbling brown graphic. In a skeuomorphic app, you do not naturally see the item in three dimensions as you pick it up and its orientation to your eye changes on the journey to a comfortable manipulation distance. You just have a flat graphic of a pretend item from a preset angle. The affordances are different, so the optimum design to help the user achieve their goals is probably different.

The example I'd use is Windows -- over a decade or two it has steadily moved away from previously being skeuomorphic (eg, panels looking like they're in little bevels, buttons looking like square raised things) to something much cleaner. Those bevels etc introduced lines that distracted ("why is my eye drawn to a bevel that does nothing again?") and made an element feel divided from the surrounding controls that they probably wanted to communicated were relevant to it not separated from it.

The exception however is marketing and the attempt to get a purchaser to emotionally engage with an item (rather than find it easy to use). A picture of a beautiful old tape player is probably more appealing at first glance in the Apple Store than a white background with clearly distinct controls. Likewise a slightly harder to use item might feel as if it can do more even if it can't.

Comment Re:Keep Paying for Your Spot in Heaven (Score 1) 813

There was a cool thing that happened to me when I figured out that the Law of Parsimony indicates that life is the end.

You do realise that the "Law of Parsimony" says precisely nothing about reality itself? That there is no actual law of nature that demands the universe to be uncomplicated, or entirely predictable, or repeatable? That the "Law of Parsimony" is a convention to aid the progress of academic models? (It's easier to deal with small incremental additions and alterations to models in experimentation and review than large changes, and if an aspect of the universe isn't predictable or reliably repeatable then science and experimentation are buggered so far as it's concerned). If you believe, however, that just because we want our academic models to be parsimonious that the universe itself must also be, then you are, frankly, a bit silly. Science does not (so far as we know) alter the nature of reality, and reality is at liberty to be as complex, unrepeatable, or mystical as it happens (or happens not) to be, and there ain't a darn thing we can do about it.

Likewise, if you believe your personal model should be parsimoniously limited to the academic model of the day, you are equally silly -- the rules governing types of evidence, parsimony, etc, are not there to optimise your model, but to optimise academic processes and potential future academic models some hundreds of years hence (science never ends) and make them more manageable. If God turns up and punches you on the nose, it will still not be science but you would be well advised to pay attention.

Comment Re:The Answer for $5M (Score 1) 532

The post I replied to was asking about consciousness, intelligence, and the brain. I ignored the unanswerable one, and addressed the other two. ...

gweihir's post you replied to was not "asking" and was itself a reply to the statement "That doesn't mean we fully understand it, or that we ever will, but consciousness very obviously arises solely out of the brain.". It appears you decided to silently ignore the topic of conversation! And if you read it again in the context of the thread, you should see your post appears to (apparently accidentally) read as if it is claiming there is experimental data for precisely what you now say is unknowable.

Comment Re:The Answer for $5M (Score 1) 532

Define consciousness.

That's actually precisely my point. A claim "there is experimental data (about X)" is meaningless if (i) the experiments were about something else, and (ii) X cannot be sufficiently well defined to conduct any experiments on it. As I've had to point out elsewhere on this topic, "consciousness" is necessarily defined first person ("I am" not "you are" nor "my neurons happen to fire in a particular way") which is precisely why we can never have experimental data on it -- because it is by definition only accessible first person and our experiments are by definition only reportable third person. Foolish attempts to duck the issue by "let's just call something else 'consciousness' and pretend we've answered the same question" are just that.

Comment Re:The Answer for $5M (Score 3, Funny) 532

That's not an answer. And I think you know it as well as I do.

First, I'm quite familiar with computability and Godel's incompleteness theorems, and they have nothing at all to do with the question. There is absolutely nothing in them that implies AI is a fundamentally unsolvable problem. In fact, most AI researchers probably understand those subjects far better than you do - and they still consider AI to be a worthwhile problem to study.

Second, the current state of the art in AI is irrelevant. You didn't just say there were things computers can't currently do. You said there are things no computer can ever do, no matter how powerful. That claim needs to be justified.

Third, AI has actually been making dramatic progress in recent years. After decades of following paths that didn't lead anywhere, researchers have finally found some techniques that enabled major breakthroughs. If you want to see practical applications of that, just look at Watson or Siri or the like. A mere five years ago, both of those would have been science fiction. Today they're real.

Ironically, the recent advances in "AI" were largely through stopping thinking about AI as building an artificial version of human cognition, and instead doing something with far fewer philosophical claims: statistically mining the heck out of big data.

Comment Re:The Answer for $5M (Score 1) 532

No, there is experimental data as well. Lobotomies are a result of "change the brain, change the intelligence/personality" experiments. There is direct experimental data, not just external observation.

The word of the day, "consciousness," appears markedly absent from your description of the experimental data -- you are making a false connection between consciousness and personality. Or to put it more humorously: plenty of observers around me can tell you my intelligence and personality are different before and after my first cup of coffee in the morning, but I can assure you I'm still the same consciousness...

Comment Re:The Answer for $5M (Score 1) 532

No, "emergent property" is a term co-opted from complex systems research that if you have enough agents with fairly simple rules (say, termites laying down pheromones) you can get some astonishingly complex macroscopic behaviours (say, termite nests).

That's what information processing is.

No, it's not. It is something that may occur in multi-agent systems, but it is not "what information processing is".

(Snipped the remainder of your post as it's essentially irrelevant posturing.)

Comment Re:The Answer for $5M (Score 4, Insightful) 532

"Emergent property" is in a non-hand-wavy language is known as "information processing". It's what computers do.

No, "emergent property" is a term co-opted from complex systems research that if you have enough agents with fairly simple rules (say, termites laying down pheromones) you can get some astonishingly complex macroscopic behaviours (say, termite nests). It gets co-opted and used in some hand-waving to try to explain away consciousness as an "emergent property" (and abstraction) of there being lots of neurons in the brain.

Unfortunately, it also entirely misses the point -- consciousness is not an abstraction, it is atomic (as you sit staring out of your eyes -- which by definition is the only way you have of knowing that you have a consciousness -- you experience only the consciousness and not the neurons).

Not only we do understand that as a result of rigorous scientific research, it's such an important piece of knowledge that a person who "disagrees" with it, should be considered to be unqualified for any kind of discussion related to science or brains, in the same way as a person who believes that Earth is flat is unqualified for any kind of discussion related to geography or astrophysics.

Your rhetorical bluster merely suggests you don't understand of how science works. There is no such thing as "unqualified for any kind of discussion" -- when you submit a paper for review you will never be asked your qualifications or whether you agree with a prescribed set of opinions. Certainly I am yet to contact the author of any paper I have ever reviewed to say "Before I read your paper, I just want to check you're fundamentally opposed to dualism..."

Moreover the way we choose to define science (necessarily third party observational) makes this question inaccessible as it is necessarily first party observational. The philosophical question has always been "I am" not "my neurons fire in a particular way", nor even "you are" or "he is".

Nobody knows how strong/true AI could be built

I do! There are over 7 billions of examples of it currently in use!

You are aware of what the "A" stands for in AI, aren't you?

On top of that, there is plenty of math, however the same can be said about any computer.

Nope, we've found out since the '60s that things work remarkably differently than a computer, and AI is no longer slavishly attempting to replicate theories of human cognition in algorithmic form.

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