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Comment Re: The UK Government Are Massively Out Of Touch (Score 1) 191

so the only crime he is accused of is not going home to Sweden?

so they can send him to the us.

to be executed.

for publishing the collateral murder video.

sounds like he's a political refugee to me.

but none of that explains what crime he is supposed to have committed in the UK to be on bail there in the first place. in order to be a fugative from UK justice like you said.

you seem convinced he is a fugative from UK justice.
what part of UK justice are you referring to specifically?

Comment Re: The UK Government Are Massively Out Of Touch (Score 0) 191

he's not a fugitive from justice.
he's a political refugee.

the judges can't listen to him because it is their politics he is running from.

we should get a list of the judges that withdrew from the conference so we know who's decisions deserve challenging for being morally corrupt.

conference attendees were obviously better off without their presence anyway.

Comment Re: Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

I've been counting the days till hilly declares wwiii.

that bastard Obama got in the way last time round and made people care about things like healthcare and poor people.

when we all know what the world needs is a good war to kill all the stupid people and make room for us all to live in peace.

violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Comment Re:Common sense to you and me, but... (Score 2) 98

no need to change his mind, they just forward both at the same time.
On the one hand they want a strong digital economy.
On the other, they want to the fundamental requirements of a digital economy banned and the use of basic tools for a digital economy made illegal.

In short, it's a very bad idea to invest any time or effort into the UK digital economy, cos chances are it's not going to be allowed for very long.

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