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Comment Re:Buggy whips? (Score 1) 769

Well, not exactly.
They measure it's immediate impact in a controlled environment.
Not the impact after a couple of weeks after people have had time to dtofr.

Case in point,
The youtube video linking to the petition finishes with several links to high quality videos explaining why prices are rising (falling supplies of fossil fuels) and why alternative energy sources are essential to protect our way of life.

Comment Re:Well, at least... (Score 1) 114

But you gotta admit, the ideal outcome is the court deciding they undercharged, slapping the government with another $21mill for Sprint plus legal expenses.

Which is quite possible when the government branch that brought the action finds just how many wiretaps they were actually doing (all of it's 54+ million customers)

Comment Re:Greenhouse and Volcanoes! [Re:Pressure or Volc. (Score 1) 560

lovin the reasoned argument backed up by facts.

I actually wavered for a minute thinking maybe I was wrong.

But after finally establishing a certain crowd think convection and conduction are part of the greenhouse effect I'm at least now more comfortable that I'm less wrong than them.

Comment Re:Greenhouse and Volcanoes! [Re:Pressure or Volc. (Score 1) 560

That's not "greenhouse effect".

Do you understand that and why thicker glass in your garden greenhouse would make the greenhouse colder. (repeatable experiment - actual science).

Do you have even the slightest idea about thermodynamics at all? or are you really just repeating the drivel you read on the internet and MSM.

Comment Re:Pressure or Volcanoes? [Re:Venus] (Score 0) 560

Yes, same thing.
The atmosphere is incredibly dense and as such conducts and retains the heat fairly efficiency from those lava flows throughout the lower atmosphere.

That's nothing todo with the optical properties of CO2 and everything to do with the thermal conductivity properties of high pressure CO2 gas.

"Venus CO2 runaway" was some western political bullshit taught to kids in the 70s and 80s during the various oil strife and has no basis in real science.

Comment Re:Venus [Re:visible and infrared] (Score -1) 560

I understand the greenhouse effect just fine,

But the temperature at the surface of venus has nothing todo with the optical properties of CO2, and everything todo with the lava flows that cover the planet.

Unless you are saying Volcanoes are caused by the greenhouse effect you are competely wrong.

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