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Comment Re:How many hours? (Score 1) 12

Ain't about the loot. Cthulhu has promised all his cockroaches that the conservatives get devoured first. I just like watching roach boy's legs scramble as he tries to run for some fresh rationalization to try and show that Her Majesty is not a thorough, complete, and consummate liar. Scant pleasure, as we slide into the settling pond, but don't deny me.

Comment Until there has been a proper investigation. . . (Score 1) 3

Until there has been a proper investigation, those "criminals" are just so many "civilians". So your JE title seems a trifle dodgy. Don't let d_r catch you failing (or even implying vague acceptance of the situation) to let the legal system run its course, or he wet his self. You don't really want a stinky puddle in your journal, do you?

Comment Re:Obama wants to be Rambo. (Score 1) 5

I was sufficiently tired that I missed the nuance that you were saying "the narrative is that Obama wants to be Rambo". Sorry, I don't think I've ever seen anyone try to portray the Community Organizer in Chief as such. Closer to an ersatz Robin Hood, maybe. Except that R.H. is an Anglo-Saxon thing, which is tantamount to Jewish.

Comment Re:watermelons (Score 1) 18

I fully comprehend the positive concept behind libertarian thinking, even if I have become almost as disillusioned with liberty as I am with Marxism.

The one point that libertarians and distributists agree on is that more competition is always good; Net Neutrality, by forcing an even playing field for all bits/second, fosters a truly free market in cyberspace where the cost of participation is and should be low. If we're going to live in a capitalistic society, the least we can do is remove barriers to entry into estate ownership, so that all may at least have the dream of becoming an owner someday. Cyberspace offers us the opportunity to expand that a huge amount, even the children's game Minecraft has a space that if mapped onto the real world, would fill several planets.

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