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Comment Re:UEFI Signature Infrastructure (Score 3, Informative) 355

No they do not, so I don't know where you're getting this from.

The Windows 8 Hardware Certification requirements published by Microsoft. To quote the relevant section:

Mandatory. On non-ARM systems, the platform MUST implement the ability for a physically present user to select between two Secure Boot modes in firmware setup: "Custom" and "Standard". Custom Mode allows for more flexibility as specified in the following: It shall be possible for a physically present user to use the Custom Mode firmware setup option to modify the contents of the Secure Boot signature databases and the PK. This may be implemented by simply providing the option to clear all Secure Boot databases (PK, KEK, db, dbx), which puts the system into setup mode.

Mandatory. Enable/Disable Secure Boot. On non-ARM systems, it is required to implement the ability to disable Secure Boot via firmware setup. A physically present user must be allowed to disable Secure Boot via firmware setup without possession of PKpriv.

Comment Re:I have no problem with UEFI as long as.... (Score 4, Informative) 355

1) Windows 8 runs perfectly fine without Secure Boot
2) For a manufacturer to provide a computer with Windows 8 pre-installed, or to label their product as compatible with Windows 8, they MUST allow end-user modification of the bootloader keys. If they don't, then no Windows 8 for them, as per MS' own hard certification requirements.

Comment Re:UEFI Signature Infrastructure (Score 3, Informative) 355

fixed so that it isn't so wholly Microsoft centric

Good news, it's already fixed then!

So who decides what keys can be added to the bootloader? The end user, in the case of every x86 board. Microsoft requires any system vendor to allow end users to add their own keys (either directly, or by wiping the existing keys and requiring the user to add their own and microsofts back in). No user-modifiable Secure Boot, no Windows 8 for you. No windwos 8 certification? The manufacturer can do whatever they want, from locking down the loader to only one key of their choice, or not implementing secure boot at all/ Basically, the current state of affairs.

If key handling were decentralized

It is decentralised. It's so decentralised, that it's handled on a per-end-device basis. Because you manage the keys on your device by entering them.

and adding your own key wasn't mutually exclusive with other keys (as it effectively is now,)

No, it isn't. If you can add your own keys, you can add any keys.

The level of FUD over Secure Boot, and it's non-relation to Windows 8, is astounding.

Comment Re:Pointless anyway (Score 2) 143

What, did you think NIF was actually going to be producing power? I assume you also class JET as a total failure for not producing cost-effective energy, then.

And that 'fusion will never happen' article cold be summed up as "D-T fusion is the easiest so is used in research reactors, and so must also be used in commercial reactors, and it has a bunch of problems in tokamaks, so fusion will never happen", happily ignoring a-neutronic fusion entirely, as well as other forms of confinement than purely magnetic.

Comment Re:Just what we need, More FRAGMENTATION. (Score 1) 86

This sounds like a subset, rather than a fragment. The idea being to restrict what users can or can't install from the public appstore (i.e. to prevent PHB#528 installing 300 fart noise apps with 6 different keyloggers lurking in there), and restrict global users from installing company-specific programs while still delivering them to company users via the same distribution mechanism as the rest of their apps (e.g. no need to sideload each phone individually).

Comment Re:What is the point? (Score 1) 126

Well, I can see your point but by making it a product with visibility and all that, people are more inclined to standardize on a particular way of doing things.

There already is a standard way of doing things, and it's built into Android! Introducing an additional way to connect a bluetooth controller to an Android phone only means a game now has to support two bluetooth controller APIs, rather than one. A total waste of time and effort.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 274

True, but ARM devices that aren't locked down are vanishingly rare. On the one hand you have every idevice, almost every Android device, set-top boxes, etc. On the other? A handful of Android devices with officially unlocked bootloaders, the RaspberryPi, and some ARM-based microcontroller-a-likes.

It's a Dick Move, but a Dick Move in line with the Dick Moves of every other portable-ARM-device manufacturer.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 274

The better question to ask is "who the hell does MS think it is?" They don't and cannot control the HW manufacturers.

The irony is, MS specifically require manufacturers to allow you (the end user) to modify the Secure Boot keys, or they don't get Win8 certification. They're enforcing the exact opposite of what you think they are.

Comment Re:There's an easier answer: terrorists. (Score 1) 35

The tricky part about an ICB is hitting the target i.e. your ring-laser gyros, PIGA accelerometers, and the algorithms to turn that into a useful inertially tracked position and velocity. The actual Big Grunty Rocket part is trivial in comparison, especially if you're not a commercial entity and cost effectiveness is not a particular concern. Inertial guidance isn't really something that goes into commercial launch vehicles, as you're expected to have good ground tracking station coverage.

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