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Comment Re:Agreed. (Score 1) 594

Congratulations, you won the Puzzle Prize!

For the unlucky ones (_don't_ despair, see below):

- The answer to the Symmetry Breaker riddle: Instant Multi-ball! An exponentially increasing cascade of them, actually, sticking to everything else and making the ride more manageable.
- Smilies: they should have sent some into space (especially those 60's / 70's 'acid house' ones) with SETI instead of those elaborate patterns'n'stuff. Would prove that humans have both self-knowledge _and_ knpw where their towels are: don't take things too seriously. Sending anything else just may piss off ET by underestimating their intellect. (Also, who knows if some colonists from Despair Inc ever got trapped in orbit around a black hole (talk about a major depression!), they might appreciate the boost.)

Comment Re:fp (Score 1) 594

hrmpfh, been out of that stuff too long, must be 'hammer.knock((Nail &)gizmo);'

Anyway, make up your own Gizmo & Nail classes, then try it. Compiler won't complain if you want to nail yourself in the foot, that's the point, (type) pun intended.

Comment Re:fp (Score 1) 594

Oh, how I hate those "Build a gizmo in 15 minutes" advertutorials.

Here's mine:

#include <kitchensink>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    everything_but_the(argc, argv);
    return 42-6*7;

Morale: all those "build an * in 15 minutes" quickies do is try to sell you on whatever libraries / frameworks included in the system, they teach you little to nothing about the usefulness of the language for building completely new things.

Comment Re:Time for the Judges ruling? (Score 1) 475

I don't think "don't use the internet" is a reasonable suggestion just if you want to avoid Google's spying. And aside from how stupid suggestion that is, it doesn't just include internet anymore. Google is driving around the world and photographing everyones life with their cars.

How is one snapshot of a public roadway "photographing everyone's life"?

They want people to wear Google Goggles which will give your data to Google.

Did you miss the fact that there are no "Google Goggles"? How can "they" want people to wear Google Goggles when they don't exist?

Did you miss the fact that there are "Google Goggles"? Have a look here. Guess what El Goog does with all those crummy pixel streams coming thru those shaky phone'cum'webcams? Right.

You cannot anymore escape Google by just not using their services. Even if you don't use them, someone else will make data about you available to Google.

And, even if this were true, how is this Google's fault?

We need to regulate these things before it gets out of hand. And in fact many countries with stricter privacy laws have (like most of Europe), but Google just ignores them and pay the fines they might get.

[citation needed]

They know they will eventually make much more money by openly abusing now so they can establish it all.

Panic! Emergency! The sky is falling and Google is to blame!!!!!!1111! Wow, hyperbole much?

Comment Re:Visual Studio Express (Score 1) 783

Item #9: No mobile platform support

'nuff said.

Okay, okay, so VSE 2010 does support WM7, but after VSE 2008 I've switched away from M$ completely.
I simply can't take a company which circulates memos 'internally' on how to defeat the competition by cheating (FUD, Halloween documents, 'embrace&extend' industry-standard protocols, pressuring PC vendors into shipping Windows with their kit, 'Windows tax' etc.) seriously, so I switched away years ago.

Well, I've run out of troll fodder for today, so I'll move on, if you don't mind.

Comment Re:China does the same stuff (Score 1) 240

You gotta be keylogging me...

Seriously (and partly OT): What the h*ll has happened to employees standing up for their rights to guaranteed privacy as long as they perform their duties?
Doubleplusirony. We're discussing govt involvement in software performance while being keylogged.
Whohaddathunkthat. Priceless.

Comment Re:Visual Studio Express (Score 1) 783

Instead of ad hominem attacks (there must be a free-to-download template library for those methinks), try to support your own argument with facts instead.
On topic, here is a StackOverflow question (dealing with VSE 2008) whose answer may interest you. And yes, I have had to deal with Every One of the mentioned limitations, and there are more which aren't mentioned.
You can call me a cheapskate, to which I will reply that for all listed limitations, there are free (non-M$, non-Windows) alternatives available which suit me fine.

Comment Re:Right... (Score 1) 164

No, I would simply trademark 'infinity', define it as lasting 1 day, point out that it has now become equal to Aleph-0 since days are a countable set, and sue the pants off anyone who does anything which has any effect lasting longer than a single day.
This would destroy the patent system, give me full rights to any invention more than a day old, make me infinitely rich (for small measures of infinity not exceeding a human lifespan) and as a bonus differentiate between Jewish and non-Jewish mathematicians.
This should work, except for the little snag of trademarking 'infinity'...

Comment Re:why not put BASIC on a phone? (Score 1) 783


Heck, add the g flag for all I care.
"If you need an X to do Y, why not buy an Y?" This is the mentality that spells D-O-O-M for Western civilization. I mean it. Go on with that way of thinking, and soon all of us will be puppets on strings of the manufacturers, who may happen to be located in Asia for all I know. Feng Xu flicks the switch and we all cry boo for our next batch of blipblips.

H.G. Wells may be right sooner than he thought. What do you want the world to look like? Divided between helpless consumerist Eloi and menacing manufacturing Morlocks?
The hell I don't!

Comment Re:You wanted an appliance.... (Score 1) 783

Sad but oh so true.

We The People let stores like Circuit City, Handy Andy et cetera go out of business by not getting off our lazy butts and build stuff in our shacks (and found Apple fer cr|ssake). Now we're barely strong enough to click on a link on DealXtreme or Ebay.

Nowadays it's easier to get a datasheet for some electronic part at a bus stop in Chengdu, China (thousands of miles away from Shenzhen, mind you) than it is to get one from the farking HQ of its producer in the US of A. Personal experience.

Kids over there on the other side of the Pacific still have what it takes, they swap code snippets and app ideas on forums like many yankees swap movie quotes and celeb gossip. Again personal experience.

I could go on blathering about all this but I need to go get a hanky to wipe my tears. It's that bad. Wessies, it was nice knowing you, I'll come back on Museum Night to see a Kinect-enabled M$ fundraiser where you can fly the rrreal Wright plane all by yourself, watching your act on that nice whopping-ass 160" Samsung widescreen.
Me? no thanks, I'm going over to kung-po-kai-land to get my brains some real workout. And a massage, too.

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