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Comment Bad Parents (Score 1) 711

What about the people that are just shitty parents that raise shitty kids?

It obviously can't be the parents fault, they didn't do anything wrong, so the kid must have some sort of "disease" that explains their bad behavior.

United States

Submission + - MA Treasurer Arrested for 3 Peaches at Airport 2

boot1780 writes: The treasurer for the state of Massachusetts announced that he and his family arrested by US Customs officials and "treated like criminals" on their way back from Italy due to three peaches in his daughter's carry-on bag. "It felt like we were being interrogated and found guilty without any process, no explanation, no rundown of our rights," he said. He was told he had to pay a $300 fine or spend a night and jail, but wasn't told that paying the fine waived any right he had to an appeal. Well, they nabbed the girl with the three peaches. Any word on Osama yet?

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