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Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: Anarachy Online 1 Year Free Play

Anarchy Online have annouced that you will be able to play for free provided that you register for a free account prior to January 15th 2004 (Further inspection of the site shows that your free play will only last until 1/1/2006)

Not only this but Funcom is departing from the obligatory need to register with a credit card, making for an easier entrance and registration process.

"We feel very confident in the unique features and heralded qualities of our game, and are now openly inviting everyone playing MMO's to find out what Anarchy Online is all about, completely free of commitment" said Ole Schreiner, Project Director for Anarchy Online. "Not only can we boast of a fantastic game which has been expanding for years, we are also constantly adding exciting new content, progressively making the ultimate sci-fi MMORPG even better."

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Here is the link if you want to download the client at faster than 0kb/s

Journal Journal: First Post! Positive Karma! Meta-Moderation! w00t!

w00t I got first post on
Also got first post on
I also got a Score 5 Informative on
pushing my Karma from Bad to Positive, I just meta-moderated! w00t!

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