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Comment Re:Sick leaves (Score 1) 670

Some doctors can do phone appointments, that'd work from home.

Plumbers?....... aren't those the guys who fix my internet pipes right?

Sales people, depending on the type of sales, may work from home too. (Sales assistants on the other hand - shop workers... well yeah - and guess who comes into contact with the dirty general public the most?!)

Comment I block scripts.... (Score 1) 295

but not ad's.

They really don't bother me as long as they aren't all flashing in my face style.

Have people really become so useless at ignoring shiny flashing things that they MUST look at the adverts, and then click them?... If a site so is bad the adverts are offputting I stop using it.

On slashdot I rarely see ad's as they let me turn them off :D

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