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Comment Re:What about the Eureka machine? (Score 1) 455

I wasn't quoting a journalist, but the actual scientists who worked on the project. The software was fed a problem for which science had no answer (specifically, a formula for cellular metabolism). It gave them one, which, worked. Biologists still don't have an explanation to go with the formula.

Comment What about the Eureka machine? (Score 2) 455

I couldn't find a more recent article, but at the end it mentions that this AI came up with a formula for cellular metabolism. It is my understanding that this formula has been tested to be valid, but no human scientists understands what the formula means yet.

Comment Re:Facile nonsense (Score 1) 445

On the Republican side, one plank states "We oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the United States." Make an argument for a race-based government. Go ahead, try.

I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean, but if they oppose the creation of four dimensional three headed goats with frog legs, it would be just as relevant. Well, I suppose someone might actually be working on a design for the goats.

Comment Re:Private Links != Paid Priority (Score 2) 258

In network operations, priority is a very specific concept.

So you admit that you are arguing over semantics.
Most of us don't care which concept or method is used. We only care what the end result is. And the end result is they paid, and now their traffic gets there faster than the people who didn't pay.

Comment Re:Boy toy (Score 4, Insightful) 786

There are cognitive differences between any two men you might select too. To what grouping will you attribute those?

There are also many cognitive tasks where the range of difference within a gender is greater than the range of difference between genders. Given that, in what way is it useful to attribute difference to gender (or other grouping, for that matter)?

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

I'm having trouble following this argument, but since it's been rated as "+5 Insightful" I suppose there's supposed to be some truth here.

Hahaha, it's funny that you think there is a correlation between "Insightful" and "factually true" on Slashdot. Or for conservatives in general, who these days seem to rarely be swayed by mere facts.

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Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
