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Comment Re:Or more reasonable policies (Score 1) 881

They'd have to work harder than their first semester either way. The point is that at a certain point (which was given as 20 percent), you'd have to get 100% on everything to even pass. Nobody is really expected to do 100%. Sure, some kids are able to do it, but it can't be an expectation. As for the comment about jobs that make minimum wage look like CEO pay compared to what they will be able to get, I suppose you could find work for under minimum wage, somewhere, but it's minimum for a reason. Even mentally handicapped people can get jobs if they want them, minimum wage or otherwise. But as for coddling resulting in people being unable to do basic math or read well, it's possible, but I don't think this is the same thing. This will still be failing people who can't read. This still fails people who can't do math. It only rewards people who pick things up, meaning that they *did* learn the necessary skills, but a bit late.

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