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Comment Re:Perspective (Score 2) 323

As someone who really detests sweatshops, on the grounds that a safe working environment should be a universal human right, please please stop calling it slavery.

On the one side, it invites people who don't care about the problem to argue semantics, and on the other it makes a false equivalence to real actual slavery that still exists in the world(though is universally illegal).

Comment Re:Translation... (Score 5, Insightful) 200

Please, while out-and-out corruption is a theoretically plausible explanation, the GAO does audit the finances of major (unelected) decision makers sometimes. If there's a legal alternative, it's more plausible, on the simple grounds that it's easier to fly under the radar.

Think more along the lines of "specifically targeting various regulatory requirements NASA has for contractors" or "having lots of ex-Boeing employees working in low engineering review roles" if you're going the route of believing there's manipulation. It's cheaper for them and its legal.

Comment Re:No, not really (Score 1) 113

I'm glad you made up my mind for me, because I was pretty sure you're an idiot decrying new technology for imagined reasons, using a facile justification, then declaring yourself the victor in an internet debate.

Good job on catching that typo, though. My credibility is ruined now.

Comment Re:Is the expense of electrolysis the main inhibit (Score 1) 113

What I'm saying is that these guys go "Supply/demand the end" without consider how those factors are considered. It's far too simplistic and it's like the a sphere of uniform density in a frictionless vacuum is to physics, in that it helps you understand the concepts, but applying it so simplistically is going to get you bad results.

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