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Comment Re:Customer service? (Score 1) 928

People can only be treated as helpless subjects of the powers that be for so long before they internalize the attitude

Maybe for you; I reject the idea.

When installing software and are 'forced' to 'agree' to many paragraphs of legalese before the OK button will become clickable, do you tick "I agree" and think "I agree" or do you tick it whilst thinking "I'm only clicking 'I agree' because I've discovered that that's what's necessary to proceed to the next installation-step?"

Comment Re:Customer service? (Score 1) 928

That's the thing (well, firstly it was a threat to involve the police but, assuming it was 'security' that were to be called...) why is it that 'security' in this context is almost always used ironically?

In almost every case, no security is being provided - merely threat of violence, removal of personal freedom, demonstration of poor reasoning, interpersonal skills...

Why have a large proportion of people in the customer-role been conditioned to use this word?

If the customer had been violent and a threat to others, perhaps 'security' had the opportunity to provider security to other passengers - in this case, I think not.

Let's call them what they are; poorly-paid thugs, present to enforce the will of their employer. Or would that be unkind?

Comment Re:Customer service? (Score 2) 928

Nevertheless, she was using powers granted by the company to enforce her will; from the customer's perspective, SWA was acting to prevent his family-subset from flying.

If she's had said... "unless you delete that tweet, I will not speak to you during the flight" that would have carried less weight and might have been interpreted as personal.

Comment Re:What?!? (Score 4, Insightful) 928

Have the police now become nothing more than an enforcement organization? Will they attend and enforce the will of whoever calls them first? Does it need to be a business? Is there a membership fee?

Isn't there any remnant of the idea that they are there to enforce....*the law* ? If so, what was the crime which required a their presence?

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